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  1. Shetou is the hometown of the hosiery, but "Qingshuiyan Ecological Display Center" collects abundant and precious insect specimens. It would become an

  2. Visitors to Puli Township can soon appreciate why Taiwan is known as the "Butterfly Kingdom." There are over 350 species of butterflies and moths here


  4. Window On World Theme Park became an indoor theme park in 1993 when they fulfilled their dream of creating a colorful, gorgeous, mysterious, and warm and happy indoor amusement park that can be enjoyed no matter what the weather is.

  5. Built during the Qing dynasty, in 1818, the Jingzaijiao Tiled Salt Fields were formerly known as Laidong Salt Fields. The site was originally a barren desert. Lying on the sandy beach is a small sand dune, where underground water gushes out from low-lying ground forming a well-like structure.

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  6. National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium, located in Checheng Township, Pingtung Country, on the north-west corner of Kenting National Park, foothill face to the sea of Guishan Mountain, alongside both mountain and sea, aims to preserve intact island and ocean ecology environment.

  7. The lily fields near the Buluowan Tourist Center are a beautiful sight, which continually amaze and attract visitors. Buluowan is divided into upper and lower platform areas, and the most singular sight in the scenic walkway in the upper platform area.