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  2. 「專利蔓越莓x私密益生菌」採獨家深釋技術,將其營養完整送達腸道吸收,舒緩私密不適感. 私密問題反反覆覆? 專業藥師推薦北美專利蔓越莓錠,富含特殊A型花青素,私密環境舒爽健康

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  1. 2013年9月3日 · Dr. Latz uses the technique in her Integrative Psychiatric practice more often now than EFT, “because it can be done more quickly in my office and I can teach it to children, teens and adults to empower them to shift overwhelming emotions rapidly without having to create scripts or reminder phrases; and there are only 4 tapping points.

  2. At 6:41 AM ET on May 7, 2020 (at 5 minutes prior to when the exact time of the full moon approaches), enter a silent meditation with the intention of connecting with the Wesak energies. Follow your breath and become the “silent watcher” as you remain in your heart. Experience what occurs and continue in meditation until 6:49 AM ET (after ...

  3. Therefore, the tumor cells destabilize, disorganize, disintegrate, explode and are ultimately destroyed in the presence of pure sound. Acoustic vs Synthetic Sounds In Healing Matter. It is important in my perspective, to separate natural/acoustic sounds and artificial/synthetic sounds. Their respective effects are not the same.

  4. Tracy Latz, M.D., M.S. (on left) is an Integrative Psychiatrist, Multidimensional Healer and has served as an Associate Clinical Faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine. She holds a Masters degree in Immuno-Biology; doctorates in Medicine, Metaphysics & Holistic Healing; certifications in ...

  5. The “ Shift Doctor ” Tracy Latz interviews Dr.Glen Rein at the Water Conference in Bulgaria about his research on consciousness of water and cells and the scientific effects of intention on cells. In the above video, Dr. Latz questions Dr. Rein about the implications his research has for humans and daily effects of our own consciousness on ...

  6. 2011年8月23日 · There are several different types of zappers. Do you find these situations familiar? You are feeling drained either being on the phone or in person with a friend who gabs constantly about anything and everything and when you do get a word in they snatch the conversation back to themselves. It's all about them! Or when the phone rings and all you hear is poor me; my child didn’t get into the ...

  7. We invite you to remove the obstacles that keep you stuck in your relationship or circumstance. If you want to SHIFT, we are the people who have the ability to assist you to Shift Your Life®! Dr. Tracy Latz, M.D. and Dr. Marion Ross, Ph.D. (The Shift Doctors) are available for seminars and speaking engagements on the topics of integrative ...