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  1. 是城市漫步,品嚐美食,體驗當地市集的絕佳選擇。 火車站車程5分鐘. 機場車程15分鐘. 東大門夜市步行10分鐘. 將軍府步行5分鐘. 松園別館車程5分鐘. 北濱公園車程6分鐘. 七星潭15分鐘. 太魯閣國家公園40分鐘. 新天堂樂園(貨櫃星巴克)車程10分鐘.

    • 590 Zhongzheng Road, 970
  2. Well-positioned in Hualien City, Azure Hotel is the ideal point of departure for your excursions in Hualien. Conveniently located in the city center within walking distance to many tourist attractions, the train station is only 5 minutes away by car, the airport is 15 minutes away by car, and Taroko National Park can be reached within 40 minutes.

    • No.590 Zhongzheng Road,Hualien city, 970
  3. Conveniently located in the city center, Azure Hotel’s 143 rooms renovated in 2015 provide a warm and pleasant home away from home. Guests of the hotel can enjoy on-site features such as free Wi-Fi in all rooms, 24h reception, fitness center, bike rental, children playroom.

    • No.590 Zhongzheng Road,Hualien city, 970
  4. 1 F. 使用時間:07:00-21:00. 鐵馬是花蓮市區旅遊的最佳選擇,海邊看日出、夜市小吃、松園別館、名產購物…,飯店提供免費租借,提供旅客輕鬆自由行。 電玩區. 1 F 交誼廳. 開放時間:07:00-24:00. 您還可以免費借用SWITCH及Wii遊戲機,與您的寶貝一起同樂,共享美好時光。 12歲以下兒童須請家長陪同。 遊戲機租借:須提供證件及押金新台幣1000元,使用時間為1個半小時,歸還完整設備後退還證件與押金。 寵物友善旅館. B 1. 藍天寵物旅館給您的寶貝有個安全、舒適的居宿空間。 客房不可攜帶寵物入內。 每房-寬120公分X深78公分X高90公分。 寵物入住須知.

    • 通馬桶那支叫什麼1
    • 通馬桶那支叫什麼2
    • 通馬桶那支叫什麼3
    • 通馬桶那支叫什麼4
    • 通馬桶那支叫什麼5
  5. Charge: NT$350 per dog or cat per day . Pet Check-in/Check-out time: Same as pet owner. Please reserve pet’s hotel when you make hotel room reservation. A deposit of 50% of total room charge is required in advance.

    • No.590 Zhongzheng Road,Hualien city, 970
  6. › service-facility › serviceService | Azure Hotel Hualien

    Shuttle Bus Service. (1) Please make reservation by phone three days before check-in. (2) The seats are limited and on a first come first served basis. (3) Charge: NT$100 per person per trip. Free of Charge: For the bookings applicable to free shuttle bus services.

  7. 接駁車服務. (1)接駁車採預約登記制,須於入住前三天前來電預約。. (2)座位有限,額滿為止。. (3)僅提供住宿專案內容包含免費接駁使用。. (4)收費方式:單趟每人NT$100元。. (5)接駁路線:飯店→ ←車站;飯店→ ←機場;飯店→ ←花蓮轉運站。. (1)停車場皆為戶外 ...

  1. 通馬桶那支叫什麼 相關

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    TOTO溫水洗淨便座電解除菌水機種,使用後自動清潔噴嘴及馬桶內壁,使用超安心,共享潔淨如廁體驗. TOTO WASHLET搭載電解除菌水技術,使用後自動清潔噴嘴,輕鬆消除馬桶細菌污垢,天天安心使用!

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