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  1. 交叉比對的英文 怎麼表達比較恰當? 看你的比對要用哪個字,在前面加上 cross- 如cross-verification, cross-validation, cross-comparison, etc.

    • 比較和對比
    • 寫作時的比較 /對比結構部分
    • 介紹句:差異性
    • 介紹句:相似性
    • 在單句中進行比較
    • 在單句中進行比較(比較級)
    • 在兩個句子間進行比較
    • 注意以下片語(Swales & Feak , 1994 )

    比較(尋找相似處)和對比(尋找差異)同為分析的過程,能幫助您暸解事物更深的層面。 比較的目的通常是為了證明看似不同的事情,但其實是類似的,而對比則是為了找出看似相同的事物間所存在的差異。進行評估是第一階段,藉由比較 A 和 B 的特定面向,可以決定何者較有用或有價值。 請注意,comparison 一詞有時候會用來表達比較和對比的意思。

    可供使用的基本結構有兩個。想像您正在寫的論文題目如下: 1. Compare and contrast the Higher Education systems in the U.S. and Taiwan. 在前言後,您可能選擇先撰寫美國的部分,逐項列出要討論的內容,接著再描述臺灣,並與先前描述美國時所列出的項目對應,最後在結論中將這些重點合併在一起。由於在長篇文章中,讀者很可能會忘記先前對另一項主題所做的描述,所以此結構會比較適合短篇論文。 第二種選擇是將各項目分開來進行比較,這通常是較佳的方法。 以上述題目為例,先規劃您想強調的要點(例如:資金、評估、入學程序等),並分章描述,在各章節中比較兩者(此例中為美國和臺灣)。 不論採取何種方法,您都必須清楚明白進行比較的目的為何。舉例來說,您...

    X is different from Y in a number of respects.
    There are a number of important differences between X and Y.
    X differs from Y in a number of important ways.
    Smith (2003) found distinct differences between X and Y.
    The mode of processing used by the right brain is similar to that used by the left brain.
    The mode of processing used by the right brain is comparable in complexity to that used by the left brain.
    The effects of nitrous dioxide on human health are similar to those of ground level ozone.
    Both X and Y generally take place in a “safe environment”.
    In contrast to oral communities, it is very difficult to get away from calendar time in literate societies.
    Oral societies tend to be very much anchored in the present, whereas literate societies have a very definite awareness of the past.
    Women’s brains process language simultaneously in the two sides of the brain, while men tend to process it in the left side only.
    Women are faster/slower than men at certain precision manual tasks, such as placing pegs in holes on a board.
    Women tend to perform better/worse than men on tests of perceptual speed.
    Further, men are more/less accurate in tests of target-directed motor skills.
    The corpus callosum, a part of the brain connecting the two hemispheres, may be more/less extensive in women.
    It is very difficult to get away from calendar time in literate societies. By contrast/in contrast, many people in oral communities have little idea of the calendar year of their birth.
    Tests show that women generally can recall lists of words or paragraphs of text better than men. On the other hand, men usually perform better on tests that require the ability to mentally rotate a...
    Young children learning their first language need simplified, comprehensible input. Similarly, low level adult L2 learners need graded input supplied in most cases by a teacher.
    Speech functions are less likely to be affected in women because the critical area is less often affected. A similar pattern emerges in studies of the control of hand movements.
    Almost exactly twice as many boys . . .
    A marginally smaller percentage of girls . . .
    Slightly over twice as many boys . . .
    Close to three times as many boys . . .
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