Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. once in a while; from time to time; on rare occasions; at times; on occasion; sometimes; sporadically; periodically; occasionally

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  2. 2018年3月8日 · 英文表達「偶爾」的方式至少有以下四種: 1. 用 occasionally, 例如: He goes to see her occasionally. ( 他偶爾去看她。 I go fishing occasionally. ( 我偶爾去釣魚。 2. 用 every now and then, 例如: We eat durian every now and then. ( 我們偶爾吃榴槤。 He plays tennis now and then. ( 他偶爾打網球。 注:這個英文成語可省略掉 every 。 3. 用 every now and again, 例如: I go to the movies every now and again. ( 我偶爾去看電影。

  3. 頻率副詞 always, usually, often, 都是指「經常」,但你知道哪一個意指的頻率比較高嗎? sometimes, seldom 都是指「偶爾」,到應意指的頻率是多少? Always (100%) I always get up at about 6:30am. Almost always (90%) I almost always get to class on time. Usually (75%) I usually eat lunch at 12:30. Often (50%) I often watch TV after dinner. Sometimes (25%) I sometimes read a book in the evenings.

  4. 今天要帶大家認識英文的「頻率副詞」! 一般在學副詞的時候,最常接觸的應該就是頻率副詞了! 如果你對這個名稱不熟的話,別擔心~頻率副詞其實就是我們生活中常用到的這幾個字:always, usually, sometimes, never…

  5. 偶爾的;不經常的. I play the occasional game of tennis. 我偶爾打打網球。 He has the occasional cigar after dinner. 他飯後偶爾抽支雪茄。 减少例句. I'm not averse to the occasional glass of champagne myself. Despite occasional patches of purple prose, the book is mostly clear and incisive. I'm trying to train my boyfriend to do the occasional bit of housework.

  6. 2017年11月29日 · 來到英國生活後,在當地認識了不少同樣來自台灣的朋友,但在相處時我發現了一個非英語母語使用者在講英文時的一個小問題,我們在說明頻率次數這件事上,幾乎都只有使用 Always, usually, sometimes 和 never。

  7. occasionally. /əˈkeɪʒənliː/ 副詞. 偶爾, 有時候. "occasionally" 例句. I occasionally play golf, but I'm not very good. 我偶爾會打高爾夫球,但打得不太好。 I occasionally drink the alcohol-free version of Heineken so I don't get a hangover. 我有時候會喝無酒精版本的海尼根,這樣我就不會宿醉了。 My neighbor has a classic car that he keeps under a cover and only occasionally drives.

  8. 偶爾 in English - Cambridge Dictionary. Translation of 偶爾 – Traditional Chinese–English dictionary. 偶爾. (every) now and then/again B2 phrase. sometimes, but not very often: We meet up for lunch now and then, but not as often as we used to. 我們偶爾聚在一起吃個午飯,但不如過去那麼頻繁了。 (every) once in a while B2 phrase. sometimes but not often: