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  1. ※台北市士林區忠誠路2段21巷12號 ※ ※ TEL:+886-2-28323388,+886-2-28321765 ※ FAX:+886-2-28382667 ※ MAIL:noble ...

  2. 『天母貴族商務休閒旅館』就坐落在這充滿迷人魅力的城市中,走進天母貴族,米白色大理石紋的大廳散發出高貴淡雅的氣息,飯店服務人員的親切招呼聲,傳達著體貼入微的服務,這一刻,溫馨的回憶甜美的時刻即將展開。

  3. 1>搭乘捷運淡水線至"芝山站"下車,從1號出口到對面搭乘前往"大葉高島屋". 之免費公車,到終點站下車,往回步行約5分鐘,即可扺達. 2>搭乘捷運淡水線至"劍潭站"下車,從1號出口搭616.280公車至"德行,忠誠路". 路口下車.即可到達本公司. 3>搭乘捷運淡水線至"士林站"下車 ...

  4. ※ 貴族豪華商務房-01 ※房型詳細說明 (請點閱 / click) 浪漫華麗的客房,柔美的燈光、細緻的線板、舒柔的床組、寬敞雅致的衛浴空間以及柔和浪漫的暖色系, 相互調和出古典優雅的空間氛圍,讓入住的您擁有最甜美舒適的愉快時光。

  5. 2017年3月29日 · 即日起 , 入住當日, 憑計程車收據至貴族商旅入住 , 有車資補助 2020-07-19 7/15 開始有使用三倍劵, 歡迎住客電話訂房時使用 2020-07-19 即日起,當日21點後入住有折扣(僅限當日) 2018-01-27 2019/03/01起 加入官方LINE訂房取得集點卡及更多優惠 2017-07-07 官網

  6. Noble Hotel, with great geographical location, is the gateway to Tianmu Dayeh Takashimaya Department Store, Shinkong Mitsukoshi Department Store, Shihlin Night Market, Sports Park, Yangmingshan National Park, Chinese Culture & Movie Center, National Palace Museum, and etc..

  7. 天母の貴族ビジネスホテルに泊まると、 楽しい一時を過ごすことができます。 当ホテルは魅力が溢れる天母に位置してます。

  8. This room themes a romantic and gorgeous ambience of warmth made from gentle lighting, delicate details, soft bedding as well as spacious yet elegantly facilitated bathing space, which brought up a classic quality that shall sweeten your traveling memories.

  9. This brownish room with a warm atmosphere brought up by an oval-shape-cut-out ceiling corresponding to the comfortable bedding turns your break into happiness spreading out like ripples on water. 繁體 简体 English 日本語. ※ No.12, Ln. 21, Sec. 2, Zhongcheng Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111, Taiwan (R.O.C.) ※ http://www.noble-hotel ...

  10. We carefully prepare nutritious breakfast to build up your energy and health. We have a wide range of Chinese breakfast options of soybean milk, Chinese buns and congee as well as light salad, ham and sandwiches to cater to different preferences. Everything is

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