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  1. 烘烤、煎、炸皆有不同口感。淋上番茄醬、黃芥末醬直接享用,方便快速又飽足。也能搭配生菜、蔬果、酸黃瓜片、起司、乳酪,任喜好搭配經典醬料,夾於麵包、潛艇堡、饅頭中,清爽輕食簡單完成,營養美味大滿足。

  2. 【台畜】甲霸大熱狗 量販包 (1800g/20支) 嚴選新鮮上等豬肉製成,以台畜獨家技術加工,質地紮實Q彈,添加天然黑胡椒顆粒、匈牙利紅椒、荳蔻、丁香、胡椒等多種香辛料調配,份量厚實,飽足感十足。

  3. 烘烤、煎、炸皆有不同特殊口感,搭配生菜、蔬果、酸黃瓜片、起司、乳酪,豐富美味大滿足,大小熱狗應有盡有,任君挑選。 甲霸大熱狗 原味 甲霸大熱狗 黑胡椒

  4. 烘烤、煎、炸皆有不同特殊口感,淋上番茄醬、黃芥末醬直接享用,方便快速又飽足。也能搭配生菜、蔬果、酸黃瓜片、起司、乳酪,任喜好搭配經典醬料,夾於麵包、潛艇堡、饅頭中,清爽輕食簡單完成,營養美味大滿足。

  5. Taiwan Farm Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as T-Ham) aims to provide the public with high quality food products that are healthy, tasty, and convenient. Over the past decades, T-Ham has prioritized quality as its main focus with continuous efforts to innovate and launch new products that appeal to the consumers.

  6. 松露油飯腐皮捲 吃起來脆脆爽口,口感大升級 以傳統古法炊蒸台灣在地長糯米,口感香Q不油膩 頂級黑松露醬拌炒,優雅濃郁的松露香氣,更添味覺口感層次。

  7. 【台畜】甲霸大熱狗 量販包 (1800g/20支) NT$359 NT$499 加入購物車 加入購物車 【熟品】德式香腸 (180g) NT$130 NT$144 售完 RÒU 煙燻香腸(200g/包) NT$120 NT$178 最佳伴手禮|兩盒免運 ...

  8. 便當主菜大推 🎁 精緻禮盒 👑會員限定|鑽石豬豬、金豬豬福利 冷凍商品 🔅 常溫商品

  9. 【台畜】甲霸大熱狗 量販包 (1800g/20支) NT$359 NT$499 — 消費者服務專線 0800-211-956 總公司地址:114台北市內湖區陽光街321巷60號3樓 — 台灣農畜產工業股份有限公司 統編:90460840 工廠統編:90779114 ...

  10. Taiwan Farm Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as T-Ham) aims to provide the public with high quality food products that are healthy, tasty, and convenient. Over the past decades, T-Ham has prioritized quality as its main focus with continuous efforts to innovate and launch new products that appeal to the consumers.

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