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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. road rage (an aggressive or angry behavior by a driver of an automobile or other motor vehicle)

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  2. 2022年2月7日 · Road rage, simply put, is a sudden burst of anger that motorists experience when they feel angered by something another driver, cyclist or pedestrian has done. Road rage can manifest itself in several ways, including verbal or physical threats, insults, and even dangerous driving.

  3. 2017年9月30日 · 這是表達「路怒症中英文字最對等的詞彙了,很多人想要的也是這個,也以為是唯一一個「路怒英語詞。 We say:You really fly into a road rage! OR: You have road rage. 那麼,什麼是「路怒症」.You are Goofy, or road rage呢? 這句英語要學要記 還有!

  4. 路怒症,又稱鬥氣車逼車,是指車輛駕駛人帶著緊張或憤怒的情緒來駕駛車輛。 由於 汽車 的增多以及生活節奏加快, 司機 在開車時會出現心情焦躁,這種 情緒 會導致車輛駕駛人違法不停讓行人、不尊重行人與危害行人用路安全,也會出現語言衝突和群毆 ...

  5. Road rage, simply put, is a sudden burst of anger that motorists experience when they feel angered by something another driver, cyclist or pedestrian has done. Road rage can manifest itself in several ways, including verbal or physical threats, insults, and even dangerous driving.

  6. 2024年7月18日 · Road rage, simply put, is a sudden burst of anger that motorists experience when they feel angered by something another driver, cyclist or pedestrian has done. Road rage can manifest itself in ...

  7. 2021年6月24日 · 英语中有一连串跟rage有关的词,除了 road rage,还有 bike rage(自行车怒)、air rage(飞机乘客怒)、computer rage(电脑怒,急得拍打电脑屏幕摔鼠标键盘)…… 我们太喜欢怒了,伤肝,很累,无意义。

  8. 路怒症,又称斗气、逼車,是指车辆驾驶人带着紧张或愤怒的情绪來駕駛車輛。 由于 汽车 的增多以及生活节奏加快, 司机 在开车时会出现心情焦躁,这种 情绪 会导致车辆驾驶人违法不停让行人、不尊重行人與危害行人用路安全,也会出现语言冲突 ...

  9. 2024年5月1日 · 醫師表示,如果駕駛出現焦躁、不耐,甚至對旁人惡言相向,可能就是所謂的「路怒症」,對患者而言,當下的攻擊行為會產生解脫和愉悅感,但事後會有悔意,如果情況嚴重需就醫治療。

  10. 2024年3月8日 · 路怒症. 中国日报网 2024-03-08 14:39. Reader question: Please explain “road rage” in this headline: Three die in road rage dispute. My comments: Three people died in a traffic incident as a result of a dispute caused by road rage – angry drivers throwing a tantrum. Yes, angry drivers throwing a tantrum.

  11. Many translated example sentences containing "路怒症" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.