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  1. 2023年6月27日 · 深情告別. 深情地告別逝者,讓他們知道他們的離去將帶給我們多麼大的失落,但我們也將永遠珍藏他們在我們心中的位置。 祭文第三部分:帶來希望與力量. 雖然逝者已經離開了我們,但我們需要堅強地面對生活,並將逝者留給我們的遺產繼續傳承下去。 1. 心靈慰藉. 在這段悲傷的時光中,我們需要互相給予心靈慰藉,彼此支持,讓彼此感受到溫暖與愛。 2. 繼續前行. 鼓勵家人和朋友們繼續前行,無論在事業還是生活中,都要堅強勇敢,以逝者為榜樣,追求更美好的未來。

  2. farewell ceremony. "告別" 英文翻譯 : leave; part from. "儀式" 英文翻譯 : ceremony; rite; function. "告別" 英文翻譯 : 1. (離別; 分手) leave; part from [with]: 向親友告別 take leave of one's relatives and friends; 告別了父母, 告別了家鄉 take leave of one's parents and hometown2.

  3. farewell ceremony中文的意思、翻譯及用法:歡送儀式告別儀式。 英漢詞典提供【farewell ceremony】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等 英 漢 詞 典

  4. The following day, a farewell ceremony was held at the school for alumni to walk the halls one last time.

  5. 2024年4月12日 · A farewell party is held for many occasions. It's a great way to send off your friend, co-worker, and loved one with great memories. You can throw a farewell party when someone leaves work, leaves the country, or is starting a new chapter in any capacity

  6. [...] attended the farewell ceremony and had gone [...] there to take photos to commemorate the occasion and such people numbered more than 100 000, yet it seemed that only 15 people had shown up to wage a struggle and a campaign.

  7. noun [ C ] formal uk / ˌfeəˈwel / us / ˌferˈwel / an occasion when someone says goodbye. 告別;辭行. We said our sad farewells and got on the bus. 我們悲傷地道別後,上了公車。 He bid us both a fond (= affectionate) farewell. 他向我們兩人深情道別。 a farewell party 告別會. 同義詞. leave-taking formal. (farewell在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) farewell的 例句.

  8. 領取喪家 毛巾和符紙. 一般參加喪禮的親友無不是面露哀戚,滿懷感傷,但您知道嗎? 您在喪禮流程中不留神的一個舉動,可能就犯了喪禮禁忌,驚擾了附近徘徊的好兄弟而惹禍上身! 喪禮儀式的進行需要依賴專業的禮儀公司團隊全程協助,喪禮布置方式、喪禮禁忌、習俗、穿著服裝甚至喪禮花圈、白包金額及題字,或是親人過世未滿一年可以參加喪禮嗎?

  9. 2023年12月30日 · Here is our list of farewell party ideas. Farewell parties are events or get-togethers that celebrate an employee’s departure from a company and show appreciation for their service. Examples include Treasure Hunts, Cocktail Parties, and Comedy Shows.

  10. 2024年6月7日 · (serɪməni , US -moʊni ) countable noun. A ceremony is a formal event such as a wedding. [...] See full entry for 'ceremony' Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. Definition of 'farewell' farewell. (feəʳwel ) convention. Farewell means the same as goodbye. [...] [literary, old-fashioned]