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  1. › ty › enFullon Hotel Taoyuan

    The Fullon Hotel Taoyuan, located around 10-25mins from the train and THSR station, is close to the arts center full of art and cultural atmosphere. The passionate, talented and exquisite performances of international and local artists, as well as the night market with delicious food and local specialties, are also close at hand.

  2. Fullon Hotel Taoyuan 交通位置 位居藝文特區星級飯店,鄰近展演中心,距交通便捷重要樞紐桃園國際機場、高鐵、火車站十分便捷

  3. Fullon Hotel Taoyuan Airport MRT A8” is located beside Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Station of the Taoyuan Airport MRT. It is located near Chang Gung Medical Center, Taoyuan International Airport, and Global Mall.

  4. › ty › jp福容大飯店 桃園

    Fullon Hotel Taoyuan アクセス 宜文区にある星評価の高いホテルにあり、エキシビションセンターに近く、重要な交通の中心である桃園国際空港、高速鉄道、鉄道駅に非常に便利です。

  5. 交通位置. 位於機場捷運線A8站內,與長庚醫學中心、國際轉運樞紐與環球購物中心共構,步出捷運出口即直接連接飯店。. 為響應節能減碳愛地球,本館鼓勵優先搭乘大眾運輸工具前往本館。. 交通資訊 立即導航. 城市悠遊之際,還有那麼一處清靜無憂的角落 ...

  6. The Fullon Hotels chain is part of the famous “Lih Pao Construction” conglomerate in Taiwan. As of 2017, there are a total of 18 Fullon Hotels, including hotels and resorts, located across Taiwan offering a one-of-a-kind accommodation, dining, and leisure experience.

  7. Fullon Hotel Taoyuan airport access mrt A8 アクセス MRT空港線A8長庚病院駅に位置する「福容大飯店桃園空港MRTA8館」は、長庚医学センター、国際乗り換えハブ及びグローバルモールと共に構成されており、MRTの出口を出るとすぐにホテルロビーに直結しています。

  8. Fullon Hotel Taoyuan How to Get Here Located is close to the arts center full of art and cultural atmosphere, and very convenient to the important transportation hub Taoyuan International Airport, high-speed rail, and railway station.

  9. Fullon Hotel Taoyuan 교통 위치 중정예술문화특구 내에 위치하고 있으며, 아트 센터와 가깝고 중요 교통 허브 타오위안국제공항, 고속철도역, 기차역과도 가까워 교통이 매우 편리합니다.

  10. Fullon Hotel Taoyuan How to Get Here Located is close to the arts center full of art and cultural atmosphere, and very convenient to the important transportation hub Taoyuan International Airport, high-speed rail, and railway station.

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