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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. She looked at her baby in her arms. 她看懷抱中的嬰兒。
    • 2. 檢查, 仔細檢查 He came to look at the drainage. 他是來檢查下水道的。

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  2. to read something in order to check it or form an opinion about it. 檢查;評閱. Can you look at my essay sometime? 你能抽空看看我的論文嗎? 更多範例. (EXAMINE) B2. If someone, usually an expert, looks at something, they examine it. 檢驗,檢查. Did you get the doctor to look at your knee? 你讓醫生檢查膝蓋了嗎? 更多範例. (look at something在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press)

  3. 2023年1月5日 · 常常搞混 Look for 和 Look at 嗎?想要精通 Look 的各種用法嗎?本文就是為了解決你的這些煩惱而來的!我們將為你介紹 18 種常見的 Look 用法,包括 Look into、Look after 、Look up 等,讓你輕鬆掌握這些用法。

  4. 片語動詞. 看, 看著. "look at" 例句. What are you looking at? 你在看什麼? "look at" 相關課程教材. Look at that mailbox! 看那個的郵箱! 瀏覽教材. Look at that bird. 看看那隻鳥。 瀏覽教材. Look at that, Grandpa! 爺爺,你看那裡! 瀏覽教材. They look at their dictionaries. 他們在找他們的方向。 瀏覽教材. And look at their tails! 看看他們的尾巴! 瀏覽教材. They look best at sunrise. 在天亮的時候看最美麗。 瀏覽教材. Look at the sky, Grandpa!

  5. 1. 看 She looked at her baby in her arms. 她看懷抱中的嬰兒。 2. 檢查, 仔細檢查 He came to look at the drainage. 他是來檢查下水道的。 Your ankle is badly swollen; I think the doctor ought to look at it. 你的腳腕子腫得很厲害,...

  6. look at something 在英語中的意思. phrasal verb with look verb uk / lʊk / us / lʊk / (THINK) Add to word list. B2. to think about a subject carefully so that you can make a decision about it: Management is looking at ways of cutting costs. 减少例句. We're looking at the feasibility of building a shopping centre there.

  7. to consider something in a particular way. (以某种方式)看待,考虑. If I'd had children I might have looked at things differently. 我如果有孩子,看问题的方式可能就会有所不同。 更多范例. (READ) B2. to read something in order to check it or form an opinion about it. 检查;评阅. Can you look at my essay sometime? 你能抽空看看我的论文吗? 更多范例. (EXAMINE) B2.

  8. [luk ] 非及物动词. 1. (glance, gaze) 看. 2. (search) 找. Have you looked behind the sofa? 你找沒找沙發後面? 3. (seem, appear) 看起來. He looked scared. 他看起來害怕了。 It looks all right to me. 我看可以。 名词. 1. (expression) 表情 (副) There was a worried look on his face. 他臉上有一種擔憂的表情。 2. (appearance) 裝扮 (種) the punk look 朋克式裝扮. looks 复数名词. 1. (appearance) 外表. 2. (good looks) 美貌.

  9. look. [luk ] 非及物动词. 1. (glance, gaze) 看 [kàn] 2. (search) 找 [zhǎo] Have you looked behind the sofa? 你找没找沙发后面? [Nǐ zhǎo méi zhǎo shāfā hòumiàn?] 3. (seem, appear) 看起来 [kàn qǐlái] He looked scared. 他看起来害怕了。 [Tā kàn qǐlái hàipà le.] It looks all right to me. 我看可以。 [Wǒ kàn kěyǐ.] 名词. 1. (expression) 表情 [biǎoqíng] (副, fù)

  10. 英 [lʊk æt] 美 [lʊk æt] 释义. 查看; 思考; 考虑; 研究. 实用场景例句. 全部. 查看. 考虑. 研究. Look at that boat dancing on the waves. 看那艘随波漂荡的船. 《简明英汉词典》 Using a scanner, we can look at the unborn foetus. 我们用扫描器可以观察未出生的胎儿. 《简明英汉词典》 We're so late I daren't look at my watch. 我们太迟了,我连手表都不敢看一眼. 《简明英汉词典》 Have you asked the plumber to come and look at the leaking pipe?

  11. look at. 'look at''look'相互参照。. 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。. He looked to his right. 他往右边看了看。. Let me look to see if there is a water leak. 让我看看有没有地方漏水。. Look at me when I'm talking to you! The young woman was looking at a painting in the art gallery.

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