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    • 1. 結束工作 sign off early to go to the dentist 提前結束工作去看牙
    • 2. 結束一封信 She signed off with Yours ever, Janet. 她在信的結尾處寫上了“Yours ever, Janet”。

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  2. to stop doing your work or a similar activity for a period of time. 暫停工作(或類似活動) As it's Friday, I think I'll sign off early today. 今天是星期五,我想我會早點下班。 (FINANCIAL SUPPORT) UK informal. to report to a government employment office that you now have a job and do not need to receive benefit (= money paid by the government) (到政府就業服務處)登記取消(失業救濟金)

  3. SIGN (SOMETHING) OFF的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to give a final message at the end of a letter or when communicating by radio, or at the end of…。 了解更多。 詞典

  4. sign off中文的意思、翻譯及用法:v. 停止活動;停止廣播。英漢詞典提供【sign off】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

  5. to stop doing your work or a similar activity for a period of time. 暂停工作(或类似活动) As it's Friday, I think I'll sign off early today. 今天是星期五,我想我会早点儿下班。 (FINANCIAL SUPPORT) UK informal. to report to a government employment office that you now have a job and do not need to receive benefit (= money paid by the government) (到政府就业事务处)登记取消(失业救济金)

  6. 動詞. 結束(訊息、廣播等) "sign off" 例句. He signed off the letter with a few words of wisdom. 他以一些智慧之言結束這封信。 "sign off" 相關課程教材. The seat belt sign has just been turned off. 安全帶標示已關閉。 瀏覽教材. What is the best way to sign off a work email? 替一封工作上的電子郵件收尾的最佳方式是什麼? 瀏覽教材. Please remain seated until the seatbelt sign is turned off. 請待在座位上直到安全帶燈誌熄滅。 瀏覽教材.

  7. sign off vi phrasal (end a letter) SC Simplified Chinese 结束写信 jié shù xiě xìn TC Traditional Chinese 結束寫信 Debbie signed off by telling Ian how much she missed him. 黛比在落款处告诉伊恩她有多想念他。 sign off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (end a letter)

  8. sign off 的简体中文 翻译. 非及物动词. (Radio, Television) 结束播放 [jiéshù bōfàng] (in letter) 就此搁笔 [jiùcǐ gēbǐ] (British: as unemployed) 退出失业救济 [tuìchū shīyè jiùjì] See full dictionary entry for sign below. Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. sign. [saɪn ] 名词. 1. [count] (notice) 指示牌 [zhǐshìpái] (块, kuài)

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