Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 翻譯. zhuyin [ㄈㄢㄧˋ] pinyin [fanyi] to translate (orally or in writing); to render;an interpretation; a rendering. 釋義. 相關詞. 1. to translate (orally or in writing); to render. 2. an interpretation; a rendering. 3. an interpreter.

  2. Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋 is a search engine that helps you find the most relevant information across the web.

  3. 1. 翻譯,轉譯 [(+from/into)] The novel has been translated into many languages. 這部小說已譯成多種語言。. 2. (用另外的詞語)解釋,說明,表達 [(+into)] I translate his silence as a refusal. 我把他的沉默解釋為拒絕。. 3. 使轉化,使轉變 [(+into)] They started to translate into action ...

  4. Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋提供中文和英文詞彙的查詢服務。

  5. 字典. zhuyin [ㄗˋㄉㄧㄢˇ] pinyin [zidian] a dictionary; a lexicon. 相關詞. 字典 攻擊. dictionary attack (a method of hacking into a password-protected computer or server by ... Dr.eye 譯典通. 康熙 字典.

  6. 無盡的;長久的 The journey seemed endless. 這旅程彷彿是無窮無盡的。. He has given me endless love all his life. 他一輩子給了我無盡的愛。. 2. 不斷的;無休止的 I am tired of his endless interruptions. 我討厭他不斷的打擾。. 3. 環狀的 This is an endless chain.

  7. n. [U. n. [U. 1.移動;調動;搬遷. 2.除去;削除;排除He consented to the removal of the flags. 他同意撤走旗幟。. 3.免職;開除. 4.【婉】謀殺.

  8. 形容詞. 1. 前面的 [Z] [B] We can see the forward part of the ship. 我們可以看見船的前部。. 2. 早的;提前的;早熟的 The spring flowers are rather forward this year. 今年春天的花兒開得相當早。. 3. 魯莽的,冒失的;放肆的 She made a forward remark.

  9. 形容詞. 1. 易受……的;易患……的 [F] [+to] My mother is very subject to headaches. 我母親動不動就頭痛。. Japan is subject to earthquakes. 日本常發生地震。. 2. 以……為條件的;須經……的 [F] [+to] Our plans are subject to the weather. 我們的計畫取決於天氣如何。.

  10. Yahoo奇摩 字典 查詢詞 設定 首頁 新聞 股市 購物中心 拍賣 TV 運動 字典 服務中心 設定 登入 全部 字典 圖片 影片 新聞 購物 在地生活 更多 依語言 英英 搜尋結果 Oxford American Dictionary ...

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