Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 中英對照讀新聞》The ancient jar smashed by a 4-year-old is back on display at an Israeli museum after repair 被4歲孩子打碎的古罈,在修復後於以色列博物館重新展出

  2. 2023年8月28日 · 波士頓哈佛醫學院的一個團隊,觀察一組近10萬名50歲以上的美國女性,她們被追蹤了20多年。. Women who drank one or more sugar-sweetened sodas per day were 85 percent more likely to be diagnosed with liver cancer in that time compared to those who consumed fewer than one a week. 與每週喝不到1杯 ...

  3. 2022年11月9日 · 然而,世衛提醒,新冠病毒仍造成「全球緊急狀態的急性階段」,並強調在2022年前8個月內,有超過100萬人死於此病毒。. The director general of the international health body, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, told a press conference: “We have never been in a better position to end the pandemic ...

  4. 2023年8月30日 · 中英對照讀新聞》US actor Kevin Spacey cleared of UK sex offences 美國演員凱文‧史貝西的英國性犯罪罪嫌獲判無罪. 凱文史貝西在英國被指控9項性犯罪獲判無罪後,在法庭外向媒體發表談話。. (路透). 2023/08/30 05:30. 管淑平. Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey was found not guilty ...

  5. 中日對照讀新聞》光免疫療法で細菌や新型コロナもピンポイント攻撃 光免疫療法也能精準定位攻擊細菌和新冠病毒. 中日對照讀新聞》5回目「垂範」で促進呼び掛け 日相岸田親自帶頭打新冠疫苗第5劑 籲民眾踴躍接種 中日對照讀新聞》コロナ感染は「東高 ...

  6. 2021年7月5日 · 2021/07/05 05:30. 陳成良. The UN rights chief on Monday called for concerted action to recover from the worst global deterioration of rights she had seen, highlighting the situation in China, Russia and Ethiopia among others.

  7. 2023年4月3日 · A Japanese Cabinet minister in charge of tackling the country’s declining birthrate unveiled a draft proposal Friday aimed at reversing the downtrend, including increased subsidies for childrearing and education and a salary increase for younger workers to incentivize marrying and having kids.

  8. 2023年4月10日 · 2023/04/10 05:30. 陳成良. A pilot in South Africa made a hasty emergency landing after discovering a highly venomous cobra hiding under his seat. 南非一名飛行員發現一條劇毒眼鏡蛇藏在他座位下面後,匆忙緊急降落。. Rudolf Erasmus had four passengers on board the light aircraft during Monday’s flight ...

  9. 2024年1月27日 · 中英對照讀新聞》Sam Sam the Kittycat Man ran away. Thanks to a microchip, he was found close by — 11 years later 貓人山姆.山姆逃跑了。 多虧了微晶片,11年後牠在附近被發現

  10. 2023年11月21日 · 中英對照讀新聞》Ants amputate the limbs of injured comrades to save their lives 螞蟻為受傷的同伴進行截肢 以挽救其生命

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