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  1. 2009年5月24日 · 本網站是一個音頻分享平台,用於分享、交流、試聽自己喜欢的音乐、铃声、故事等等。 我們尊重版權,如有任何侵害您版權的問題,請通過email的方式和我們聯繫,谢谢。 音樂下載 MP3. 加入 2009-05-24 04:44:40 | 長度: 5分10秒 | 類別: 歌曲. 上傳下載功能需點此登陸才能使用。 csno3gavin 訂閱. 讚!請點擊評分. 加到社區. 告訴好友. 站內短信. 加入書籤. 舉報不良 (Report) 人氣 598645. 評分 32. 評論 4. 書籤 14. QQ. 關鍵字: QQ. 評論和反饋. 作者更多 (csno3gavin) 每天 音樂排行榜. 檀健次-等不到的等待 (電視劇《長相思》相柳主題曲) (265)

  2. Youmaker is a user-friendly video platform. It gives creators ease to show off their work, whether it is something small or a great masterpiece. The richness of the platform matches the needs of various audiences who seek informative, impactful or entertaining videos.

  3. The richness of the platform matches the needs of various audiences who seek informative, impactful or entertaining videos. We place users and publishers first and provide them with a service they can use to create and express their ideas freely: news, life, music & shows, people & pets, arts & culture….

  4. Youmaker is a user-friendly video platform. It gives creators ease to show off their work, whether it is something small or a great masterpiece. The richness of the platform matches the needs of various audiences who seek informative, impactful or entertaining videos.

  5. We place users and publishers first and provide them with a service they can use to create and express their ideas freely: news, life, music & shows, people & pets, arts & culture…. Without the worry of being censored. Watch anything you desire, no information is collected. Creating and Expressing your thoughts freely.

  6. › channel › 2b988c9f-899a-47af-a9ad-5433e4f8bb24優美客精選 - Youmaker - Youmaker

    優美客精選. 41.3K views · 3 years ago. 優美客精選 - Youmaker-Youmaker Playlist Youmaker is a global destination where creators’ freedom of expression is honored. It does not censor for political reasons. Based in the US, Youmaker empowers all voices to be heard easily. It reveals a more balanced audience worldwide.

  7. 2007年2月1日 · YouMaker.COM:影片、照片、音樂3合1的線上影音平台. 繼 YouTube、Google Video、vlog後,又一個資源豐富的影音平台:YouMaker,這網站支援繁體中文與簡體中文,比前面幾個網站的單純影音,YouMaker又多了音樂跟圖片兩種,一樣都是使用Flash的方式呈現音樂跟圖片,並且還 ...

  8. 優美客 (Youmaker) 的目標是打造內容豐富、多樣化的影音平台! 優美客熱忱歡迎各種類型的節目入駐。 無論是小作品還是大製作,Youmaker 是您發揮創意和想像的最佳平台。

  9. 優美客Youmaker中文官方帳戶 子瑜上衣不到300元就穿出仙女氣質! 10位把平價穿成名牌的KPOP女IDOL

  10. 新視野 New Vision - Youmaker, 優美客-新視野倡導普世價值,走回傳統。 我們力求在紛亂的世事當中,還原真相,領悟真諦。 新視野的節目內容,包括新聞串燒、熱點解讀(時事評論),原聲翻譯(中文字幕)、傳統文化、人物故事等。

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