BUT-WELL INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Established in 1978 and have smarted in manufacturing LP-GAS regulator for 30 years. We specialized in the design and manufacture with wide range of qualified Regulator and valve, which have applied in the Gas safety
BUT-WELL INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Established in 1978 and have smarted in manufacturing LP-GAS regulator for 30 years. We specialized in the design and manufacture with wide range of qualified Regulator and valve, which have applied in the Gas safety device.
近年來,本公司更投入國內各大高科技廠商之建設工程、配合基礎架台、物流設備、懸吊系統、盲板封板 及無塵室等各類設施之生產加工,完成品質、包裝等各項嚴格規範需求,進而提升各層面服務之成長與完 整。
電 話:(06)6935156-8 傳真:(06)6935159 e-mail:sunton88@ms61.hinet.net 地 址:台南縣官田鄉二鎮村成功街63號
LP Gas Regulator、Governor、Cetified Quick Disconnect Devices、BBQ Regulator、Hose Assembly、Connector、GAS Cooker No. 657, Sec. 6, Dongguan Rd., Dongshi Dist
No. 657, Sec. 6, Dongguan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City 423, Taiwan