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  1. A top-ranked public university, the University of Michigan has a tradition of excellence in research, learning and teaching, sports and the arts, and more.

  2. 关于密西根大学. 密西根大学(University of Michigan)位于美国密西根州安娜堡市(Ann Arbor),始建于1817年,是美国公立大学的翘楚。. 建校以来,在各学科领域中成就卓著并在全世界拥有巨大的影响,有95个学科项目排名全美前十名。. 作为美国的学术重镇,密西根 ...

  3. Michigan Ross develops leaders who make a positive difference in the world, through top-ranked MBA, bachelor’s, and specialty master’s programs.

  4. A place where every engineer can succeed. Inclusive teaching. All new Michigan Engineering instructors are now trained in inclusive teaching practices, contributing to an environment of success for students from all backgrounds. Explore culture.

  5. Academics. Michigan’s academic vigor offers excellence across disciplines and around the globe. We are recognized as a leader in higher education due to the outstanding quality of our 19 schools and colleges, internationally recognized faculty and departments with 250 degree programs.

  6. Founded in 1859, the University of Michigan Law School offers Juris Doctor, Master of Laws, and Doctor of Juridical Science degree programs. Learn more.

  7. The University of Michigan Library's mission is to support, enhance, and collaborate in the instructional, research, and service activities of the faculty, students, and staff, and contribute to the common good by collecting, organizing, preserving, communicating, sharing, and creating the record of human knowledge.

  8. 董慕达教授是文化历史学家。她于加州大学伯克利分校取得博士学位,现任密西根大学亚洲语言和文化系教授。董慕达的研究兴趣包括中国的医学技艺,烹饪食谱,以及文化史。 Pär Cassel | 柯塞北

  9. 实验室计划在密歇根大学主校区-安娜堡,北京与深圳设分部,科研经费由三地自主协商分配。 合作实验室将由密歇根大学土木工程与环境教授魯特嘉德•拉斯金(Lutgarde Raskin)领衔。

  10. UMSI celebrates first-gen students, faculty and staff. From Oct. 30 to Nov. 8, the UMSI community will celebrate first-generation college students. Here is a roundup of the week’s events and year-round resources. Dr. Nathaniel Borenstein is a research faculty member at UMSI, and CEO of ColorPhi.

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