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  1. 蔬果防霧袋. 春億彩藝股份有限公司. 嘉義縣民雄鄉福樂村成功3街19號. Tel: 05-2210066. Fax: 05-2210071. E-mail: HOME.

  2. 春億彩藝股份有限公司自創立以來,秉持著對於包裝材質領域的鑽研,用心研究與研討各式包材原料,用專業的設計開發產品、售後服務,均嚴格落實品質的管理,以滿足客戶對產品的嚴格要求,我們深切的了解,在包裝的產業裡,唯有落實執行本公司「創新求

  3. 從一般常見的三封袋、夾鏈袋、站立袋、合掌封、五面封包裝袋等…,皆可依照客戶需求製作。.

  4. 可重複開啟,多次使用,符合環保需求.

  5. 有抗壓、阻氣、保鮮作用,有效地使食品長期保持原有的色、相、味、形及營養價值。.

  6. 歡迎參觀 春億彩藝 網站. 如果您對敝公司產品有興趣或需要任何進一步的服務。. 或是您有任何問題或建議,請填寫下列表格,並回傳給敝公司。. 收到您的信息之後,我們將立刻回覆。. 謝謝! 05-2210066. 嘉義縣民雄鄉福樂村成功3街19號.

  7. Chuen Yee was established in 1983 in the South District of Taichung City. With the aim of expanding business operations, in 1991 the company was moved to a new location at No. 19, Chenggong 3rd Street, Minxiong Township, Chiayi County 621. Since the ...

  8. Pressure-resistance, air barrier, and freshness retaining effects. Effectively enables food to retain original color, appearance, flavor, shape, and nutritional value.

  9. A wide range of commonly used bags can be produced according to customers’ requirements, such as three-side sealing bags, zipper bags, stand-up pouches, gusset sealing and ...

  10. CHUEN YEE GRAVURE CO., LTD. No. 19, Chenggong 3rd Street, Minxiong Township, Chiayi County 621 Tel: 05-2210066 Fax: 05-2210071 E-mail:

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