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  1. 江記以祖傳六十餘年經驗,精製各式豆腐乳,行銷全球、享譽中外。 從物料挑選到產品製作,由專業品管人員層層把關。 產品採用精選非基改黃豆、糙米、酒、砂糖,絶不使用防腐劑、人工色素、糖精, 以傳統技術與最新設備製作豆腐乳,並獲得ISO22000及HACCP ...

  2. › ch › index江记豆腐乳

    2019年12月17日 · 江记以祖传六十余年经验,精制各式豆腐乳,行销全球、享誉中外。. 从物料挑选到产品制作,由专业品管人员层层把关。. 产品採用精选非基改黄豆、糙米、酒、砂糖,絶不使用防腐剂、人工色素、糖精, 以传统技术与最新设备制作豆腐乳,并获得ISO22000及HACCP ...

  3. › en › brandProcess江記豆腐乳

    The Role of Koji. Koji is a treasure house of enzymes, which produce a large variety of enzymes. It has been used for a variety of food production since ancient times. Koji can be used to make fermented foods. Such as fermented bean curd, sake, miso, soy sauce.

  4. › en › index江記豆腐乳

    Jiang Ji fermented bean curd was founded by Jiang Feng-sheng in the 1940s. A master, came from Quanzhou mainland China, specialized in making fermented bean curd. By introducing from a friend, Mr. Jiang had an opportunity to learn the technique of manufacturing fermented bean curd.

  5. › en › story江記豆腐乳

    We have an exclusive golden ration for our products of fermented bean curd. So, the flavor is salty with a mild sweetness. Our productions are under strict quality control, carefully brewed, and insist to make the best quality of the products. Jiang ji Fermented Bean Curd Culture Gallery is from Jiang families.

  6. › en › products江記豆腐乳

    BEAN CURD WITH RICE SAUCE. Package Size:12 cans/1 cases. Shelf life:2 years (please refrigerate after opening the bottle) Content Volume:200g. Using the most traditional tofu milk brewing method, salty taste, without sweetness, is the traditional Taiwanese flavor of tofu milk, suitable for seafood, fish dishes.

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