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  1. A global hub of research, education and the co-creation of knowledge. Based on our founding philosophy of harmony between theory and practice, we engage in the search for knowledge and its application in society. We are a comprehensive university with 10 faculties and 15 graduate schools.

  2. About Exchange Programs. Kobe University is conducting intensive exchanges for education and research with partner universities and institutions overseas, which enrich the academic environment on campus. Kobe University currently has 382 partner institutions in 64 countries/regions.

  3. 人文・人間科学系、社会科学系、自然科学系、生命・医学系の4つの学術系列のもと、. 各分野の一層の発展・充実を図り社会還元をめざす先端研究と、. 多様性・国際性・卓越性・柔軟性に富んだ教育を展開しています。.

  4. 海洋政策科学部パンフレット (11.4MB) 新型コロナウイルスに対する海事科学部・海事科学研究科の対応について. 在学生の方へ(新入生含む). 2024.11.01. [内容更新11/01] 保健管理センター深江分室の閉室について. 2024.10.30. メルボルン大学 ラッセル・トンプソン ...

  5. 2024年10月24日 · Harvest 「みのり」. ひとりひとりの “実り” が、. 神戸大学の “彩り”になる。. 神戸大学は「人文・人間科学系」「社会科学系」「自然科学系」「生命・医学系」の4大学術系列の下に10の学部、15の大学院、1研究環、1研究所と多数のセンターを持つ総合 ...

  6. 6 天前 · The Kobe University Interdisciplinary Master Program (KIMAP) was established through collaboration between the Graduate School of Law, the Graduate School of Economics, and the Graduate School of Business Administration, with the aim of preparing students to tackle a broader range of challenges. Faculty of Economics, Graduate School of ...

  7. 2024年5月20日 · Welcome to the website for the Graduate School of Business Administration. The original entity of the school was established in 1902, making our business school the second ... Our program goes beyond theory, providing you with opportunities to apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios. READ MORE.

  8. The Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, and the Graduate School of System Informatics (Master's and Doctoral programs) promote consistent education from bachelor's degree to master's degree and doctoral degree.

  9. The Kusunoki Campus-based Faculty of Medicine emerged from the re-organization of the Prefectural Technical College of Medicine established in 1944, which subsequently became the Hyogo Prefectural College of Medicine (1946), and the Kobe Prefectural College of Medicine (1952).

  10. 博士前期课程. 第Ⅰ期. ・申请资格. 能够以外国人特别学生身份申请入学者,是指以留学为目的已经或将要进入日本的外国人,且必须满足以下条件之一。. (1)大学毕业者. (2)在日本国外修完16年学校教育课程者. (3)在日本修完所指定的相当于外国大学的 ...

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