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  1. 精英公關集團立足大中華、放眼全世界,旗下擁有12家子公司:精英公關,楷模公關,經典公關,精采公關,精英公關 (北京),精英公關 (上海),經湛公關,精準策略行銷,精策公關,精萃公關,精承永續顧問,精通多媒體,是臺灣最大的獨立公關集團。.

  2. 精英公關集團創立於1987年,當時正值台灣政治開放、經濟起飛,創辦人孔誠志先生基於過去任職媒體高層的經驗,體認到公關服務對企業經營發展的重要性,於是成立台灣第一家公關公司--精英公關,並出版第一本學理與實務兼具的公關專業書籍《公關手冊

  3. Apex 台灣最具指標性B2B科技公關公司 THE LEADING HIGH TECH PR FIRM IN TAIWAN Founded in 1998, APEX is an award-winning high tech PR firm which specializes in B2B technology communications, with client experiences across the whole

  4. Our service Founded in July, 1987, Elite PR specilaizes in technology, consumer, mobile and digital sectors, and is skilled in providing the clients integrated and strategic communications services. Integrated and Strategic Communication Services We help clients ...

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