特殊符號 酷文字產生器 🕯 蠟燭 🕯 蠟燭 複製/貼上 複製 點選圖示就可以複製 意思 Apple 蠟燭 Google N/A Twitter 蠟燭 Unicode 蠟燭 分類 物品 | 光源與視訊 標籤 生日表情符號 | 聖誕表情符號 圖像 emoji unicode 意思 🕯 1F56F FE0F 蠟燭 🕯 1F56F (*) 〃 * 非標準 🎞 ...
這是一個正在燃燒的蠟燭,部分平台上會顯示放在燭台上的蠟燭。. 🕯 表示着一種照明的方式或光源,但更多的則是用在生日、節日、宗教、祈禱、紀念等場景中。. 它和 🙏 (雙手合十)都常用來表示祈禱、禱告、紀念。. 💡 擴展閱讀和科普. 🕯︎ 範例與 ...
Depicted as a white, pillar-shaped candle with a flame and wax dripping down its sides. Used for a wide array of content, such as various senses of light, birthdays, remembrance, relaxation, and topics concerning Christmas, religion and Halloween.
A burning candle, as lit when taking a bath or the power is out. Depicted as a white, pillar-shaped candle with a flame and wax dripping down its sides. Used for a wide array of content, such as various senses of light, birthdays, remembrance, relaxation, and topics concerning Christmas, religion and Halloween.
“蠟燭”對應的Emoji表情符號是: “🕯🕯”,可以查看下面每個字對應的詳情。