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  1. › wiki › John_SwinneyJohn Swinney - Wikipedia

    John Ramsey Swinney (born 13 Aprile 1964), is a Scots politeecian wha has servit as Heidsman o the SNP an First Meenister o Scotland syne Mey 2024 (he wis previously Heidsman o his pairty frae 2000 tae 2004), an a Commissioner tae the Scots Pairlament

  2. 6 Mey 2016. Personal details. Born. Alexander James Stewart. (1962-11-29) 29 November 1962 (age 61) Poleetical pairty. Scots Conservative Pairty. Alexander James Stewart (born 29 November 1962) is a Scots Conservative Pairty politician that haes been a Memmer o the Scots Pairlament (MSP) for the Mid Scotland and Fife region syne 2016.

  3. › wiki › Luigi_RivaLuigi Riva - Wikipedia

    Luigi Riva (born November 7, 1944; deed Januar 22, 2024), best kent as Gigi Riva or bi his nickname Rombo di Tuono (Roar o Thunder), wis an Italian fitbawer, the aw-time leadin scorer for the Italian naitional team.

  4. Anum Qaisar-Javed is a Scots National Party (SNP) politeecian thit wis the Memmer o Pairlament (MP) for Airdrie an Shotts the nou efter winnin a bi-election in May 2021 til her defeat in the 2024 Unitit Kinrick general walin.

  5. In 1925, she marriet Raymond Sarraute, a fellae lawyer, wi whom she wad hae three dochters. In 1932 she wrote her first beuk, Tropismes, a series o brief sketches an memories that set the tone for her entire oeuvre. The novel wis first published in 1939, although the impact o Warld War II stuntit its popularity.

  6. Dutch–Turkis relations refer tae interstate relations atween the Netherlands an Turkey. The diplomatic relations widely encompass an span fower centuries, beginning in 1612. The first Turkis representative in the Netherlands stairtit activities in 1859.

  7. Alison Emily Thewliss (born 13 September 1982) is a Scots Naitional Pairty (SNP) politeecian. She wis electit as the Member o Pairlament (MP) for Glesga Central at the Mey 2015 general election [1][2] til her defeat at the 2024 Unitit Kinrick general walin.

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