Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


    • 駕輕就熟
    • ㄐㄧㄚˋ ㄑㄧㄥ ㄐㄧㄡˋ ㄕㄨˊ
    • 釋義:
    • 駕著輕車走熟路。比喻對事情很熟悉,做起來很容易。《歧路燈》第七九回:「若說自己虛中善受,朋友們是駕輕就熟,倘有疏虞,只怕他們又同其利而不同其害了。」
  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. to drive a light carriage on a familiar road; to be able to handle a job with ease because one has had previous experience; to do a familiar job with ease; to do a task with ease; to do something with ease through experience; to be at home in sth

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