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  1. Cathay Life was established in 1962. During the early years of the insurance industry, the company earned a reputation as an industry pioneer. Through half a century filled with competition and challenges, the company has remained true to its core values of integrity, accountability, and innovation, and has conscientiously served the people.

  2. 國泰人壽為全台灣最大之保險公司,秉持「誠信、當責、創新」核心價值,提供多元、完整、優質保險保障商品,服務客戶數近800萬人,肩負保險業開拓者之使命。.

  3. Cathay Life Insurance set up a financial holding company that consolidates financial products and services such as life insurance, property insurance, banking, and securities by establishing an integrated information platform and developing cross-industry

  4. 國泰人壽成立於1962年,在保險業務初設階段,肩負著保險業開拓者之使命,歷經六十多年來的競爭與挑戰,始終秉持著「誠信、當責、創新」的核心價值,兢兢業業為民眾服務,截至2023年底,客戶數超過800萬人,有效契約件數超過2,000萬件,為全台灣最大之 ...

  5. 國泰人壽保險股份有限公司(簡稱國泰人壽、國壽)( Cathay Life Insurance Company, Ltd. ),是一家總部設於中華民國 臺灣 臺北市 大安區的人壽保險公司,為國泰金融控股公司(國泰金控)旗下子公司之一,在2018年美國《財富》雜誌全球500大公司的排行

  6. Cathay Life Insurance (Chinese: 國泰人壽) is a life insurance company in Taiwan founded in 1962. The firm offers life, health, and annuities. In 2017, Cathay ranked 411th on the Fortune Global 500 .

  7. 我就像雷射治療,幫你彌補經濟上的凹洞. 什麼是住院險/實支實付險?. 住院險:保障因疾病或意外需住院治療的相關醫療費用。. 實支實付險:保障自行負擔及不屬全民健保給付的住院醫療費用,在投保的醫療額度內,用多少賠多少!. 為什麼需要?. 彌補健保 ...

  8. 國泰產險提供汽機車險、強制險、旅遊險線上投保,再享限時投保優惠活動。24h快速線上試算與投保續保、便捷理賠服務,您最放心的好夥伴,線上投保首選國泰。

  9. My Insurance線上櫃檯 我的試算結果 登出 登入 閒置提醒 您有一段時間未採取動作! 倒數 ${timer} 秒 系統將自動登出 保持登入 登出成功 期待下次再見! 好的 逾時登出 登入逾時,系統已自動登出! 確認 偵測登出 我們偵測到您已在其它網站登出,請重新 ...

  10. › ODAB › enHealth|Cathay Life CS

    In addition to leveraging its expertise in the insurance industry and safeguarding customers' financial health, Cathay Life Insurance has transformed the function of insurance from ex-post compensation to ex-ante prevention.

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