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  1. 國泰世華CUBE網路銀行提供數位金融服務,包括線上申辦信用卡、貸款及其他金融產品。

  2. 2024年3月25日 · Cathay United Bank Company, Limited, Hong Kong Branch was founded and registered on February 1, 2002. The Branch offers one-stop banking services, including deposits and remittances, corporate banking, trade finance, private wealth management, OTC

  3. The United World Chinese Commercial Bank (UWCCB) and Cathay Commercial Bank (CCB) was merged and renamed Cathay United Bank. UWCCB was found in September 1971 during the 4th Cathay Financial Association Gathering where representatives of Chinese entrepreneurs around the world gave their determined support to the economy of their motherland.

  4. 由「世華聯合商業銀行」與「國泰商業銀行」合併後更名。. 兩銀行皆為 國泰金融控股公司 之 子公司,2003年10月27日進行合併,以世華銀行為存續銀行,國泰銀行為消滅銀行。. 名稱變更為 國泰世華商業銀行,金融代號延續使用世華銀行的013。. 2007年1月1日再 ...

  5. 國泰世華銀行全球企網銀Global MyB2B具有「安全」、「簡單」、「方便」三大特色,並提供全球帳戶整合、貿易融資、現金管理等優質金融產品及服務。.

  6. Cathay United Bank is committed to providing customers with a broad range of innovative financial solutions to reduce risks, support international business growth and opportunities, and continue expanding our business worldwide.

  7. Cathay United Bank (Chinese: 國泰世華銀行; pinyin: Guótài Shìhuá Yínháng) is one of the largest commercial banks in Taiwan, with a capital value of TW$67 billion (approximately US$2.23 billion) and more than 165 branches located throughout Taiwan. It is part of Cathay Financial Holdings.

  8. Authorized foreign exchange bank and money exchanger、Safe Deposit Box、Bilingual Branch 062 TatungBranch undefined 103 No.50,Sec.2,ChengqingN.Rd.,TaipeiCity103,Taiwan(R.O.C.) (02)25552468 (02)25568437 Authorized foreign exchange bank and

  9. 超安全數位金融. Cathay United Bank. 財經」類中排名第 8. 4.8 • 39.4万 則評分. 免費. iPhone 截圖. 國泰世華CUBE App 致力於運用數位數據. 保護您的帳戶安全並提供您更多的金融自主選擇權. 快來看看如何運用CUBE App簡單解決您的金融需求. 【存提轉繳生活大小事】 .開戶:數位存款帳戶 (台+外)在家即可一站開立. .外匯:營業日AM 9:00-次日AM 2:00皆可換. .轉帳:隨時隨地皆可轉,計畫支出還可預約轉帳. .繳費:繳費快截止也不怕,線上即繳即到帳. .提款:忘記帶錢包沒關係,App也能當提款卡. 【信用卡實用功能解析】 查詢:刷卡明細隨時查,還可即時掌握剩餘額度. 調額:刷卡消費好彈性,臨時調額當日生效.

  10. 2023年3月17日 · Cathay United Bank (國泰世華銀行) boasts a customer base of 6.3 million digital users and, in the spirit of “digital empowerment,” took its digital strength to a new level by launching a new digital consumer banking brand “CUBE” in October last year. Its core service, CUBE App, offers one-stop management of banking ...

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