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  1. 品行障礙 ( conduct disorder ),世衛組織稱 反社會品行障礙 ( conduct-dissocial disorder ) [1] ,台灣又譯 行為規範障礙症 ,是指在青少年階段的患者出現反覆、持續的攻擊性、反社會性、對立違抗性的行為障礙。. 這些行為違反了與年齡相適應的社會行為規範和道德 ...

  2. 行為規範障礙症 (Conduct Disorder) · Intern Handout. DSM-5診斷準則. A.違反他人基本權力或年齡相稱的主要社會常規或規定,成為重覆而持續的行為模式,於過去十二個月中,至少出現下列類別中十五項準則中的三項,而於出現的準則項目中,在過去六個月裡至少有一項是存在的: 攻擊人及動物 (Aggression to People and Animals) 1.經常霸凌、威脅或恐嚇他人。 2.經常引發打架。 3.曾使用可嚴重傷人的武器 (如:棍子、磚塊、破瓶子、刀、槍)。 4.曾對他人施加冷酷的身體凌虐。 5.曾對動物施加冷酷的身體凌虐。 6.曾直接對受害者進行竊取 (如:街頭搶劫、搶錢包、勒索、持械搶劫)。 7.曾逼迫他人進行性行為。

  3. 品行障碍 ( conduct disorder ),世卫组织称 反社会品行障碍 ( conduct-dissocial disorder ) [1] ,台湾又译 行為規範障礙症 ,是指在青少年阶段的患者出现反复、持续的攻击性、反社会性、对立违抗性的行为障碍。. 这些行为违反了与年龄相适应的社会行为 ...

  4. Conduct disorder ( CD) is a mental disorder diagnosed in childhood or adolescence that presents itself through a repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior that includes theft, lies, physical violence that may lead to destruction, and reckless breaking of rules, [1] in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate norms are violated.

  5. 2022年8月4日 · What is conduct disorder? Conduct disorder (CD) is a mental health condition that affects children and teens that’s characterized by a consistent pattern of aggressive behaviors and actions that harm the well-being of others. Children with conduct disorder also often violate rules and societal norms.

  6. 2023年7月10日 · Conduct disorder (CD) lies on a spectrum of disruptive behavioral disorders, which also include oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). In some cases, ODD is a precursor to CD. CD is characterized by a pattern of behaviors that demonstrate aggression and violation of the rights of others and evolves over time.

  7. Conduct disorder is a mental health condition that affects children and teens. People with this condition persistently display severely antisocial and aggressive behaviors. They may bully others, be abusive to small animals, lie, steal, drink alcohol, use drugs, or skip school, often before their teenage years.

  8. 2021年7月12日 · A conduct disorder refers to any of a group of serious emotional and behavioral problems in children and adolescents. Children with conduct disorders frequently behave in...

  9. 2023年12月20日 · Conduct disorder is a disorder defined by various forms of aggressive and rule-breaking behaviors in which the basic rights of others or age-appropriate societal norms are violated. Symptoms frequently lead to conflicts with adults (eg, parents, teachers, and other authority figures) or peers, and may include involvement with the legal system.

  10. Conduct disorder is a type of behavior disorder. It’s when a child has antisocial behavior. He or she may disregard basic social standards and rules.

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