2010年3月19日 · Don't let nerves ruin your first kiss. Follow Videojug's guide to the perfect kiss, and kiss for the first time the way you always imagined.Subscribe! http:/...
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2013年3月27日 · Alexander Rybak- First Kiss:歌詞+翻譯. 音樂庫 3/27/2013 西洋男藝人, 抒情歌, 現代古典, Alexander Rybak. 歌曲風格很像迪士尼的曲風. 不過這與那沒有太多的關係. 小提琴與眾多木管、打擊樂器交錯. 似是輕描淡寫的道出某個愛情故事. 卻有著幾分不易察覺的自信 ...
直擊|劉德華開唱!最美「劉太太」來了 林熙蕾曾馨瑩小巨蛋現身|壹蘋新聞網
【記者林丞偉/台北報導】劉德華(華仔)「今天⋯is the Day」演唱會原訂昨晚舉辦首場,卻因康芮強颱攪局延期至(11月2日),睽違11年盛大回歸,今(1日)晚的攻蛋演唱會,意外成為此次4場台灣站首場,如願進場的「劉太們」興奮不已,台下更驚見另一位「華仔」、女神──林熙蕾,她曾與華仔2023年上映的電影《紅毯先生》中,飾演一對怨偶夫妻,2人的緣份還不僅於此,林熙蕾1999年接拍王晶執導的電影 ...
19 小時前
女神初吻被劉德華奪走!合體曾馨瑩坐搖滾區第一排 搶當「劉太太」
劉德華《今天⋯is the Day巡迴演唱會》雖因颱風關係,延至昨(1日)終於在台灣登場,但歌迷熱情不減,台下更是「星光雲集」,許多演藝圈大咖都齊聚一堂,大家都化身「劉太太」,其中也有郭台銘的老婆曾馨瑩,她與林熙蕾一起坐在搖滾區第一排,羨煞旁人。
三立新聞網 setn.com via Yahoo奇摩新聞
5 小時前
2007年8月10日 · 周杰倫 (Jay Chou)的歌曲「First Kiss」在這裡,快打開 KKBOX 盡情收聽。.
- Overview
- Setting the Scene
- Leaning in for a Kiss
- Finishing the Kiss
If you like someone and are pretty sure they like you back, you may be wondering if it's time for your first kiss. Having your
is exciting, but it's normal to feel
Pick the right setting for your first kiss.
While you might be eager to get that
, it's best to pick a time and location that will feel comfortable. Wait until you're alone with the person you want to kiss. Then, talk to them to make sure they're feeling
and in a good mood.
For instance, it's a bad idea to kiss someone when they're in the middle of doing something or while they're upset.
A good setting for your first kiss might be during a date or at a school dance.
Touch them gently to initiate physical contact.
At first, touch their arm or shoulder. Then, move your hand to their hair or face and gently touch them for a few seconds. If you feel ready, gently brush the hair away from their face, then rest your hand on their shoulder or cup their cheek.
You might also try putting your arm around their shoulders.
Introduce touching slowly. Start small by touching their hand, then only continue if they are smiling and leaning in toward you.
It's okay to change your mind about wanting the kiss, and you don't have to do it if you decide you don't want to. It's totally normal to feel nervous and change your mind. If this happens, change the subject by asking them to do something else. Say something like, "Will you show me that game you were talking about?" "I wonder what the others are doing. Let's go see!" or "I'm hungry! Let's go get a snack."
Make eye contact to show them you're interested.
Pull away to give you both a chance to take a breath.
Don't keep kissing them for more than a few seconds. Stop and put a little space between the two of you. Take a moment to breathe and think about what happened.
It's okay to go back in for another kiss, but it's best to take a little break first.
Smile at them to show them you liked it.
Remember, the other person is likely just as nervous about kissing as you are. Show them you liked it by looking at them and smiling.
You might also hold their hand or put your arm around them.
《First Kiss》(日語: ファースト・キス )是日本 富士電視台自2007年7月9日至2007年9月17日間播出的電視劇,由井上真央和伊藤英明主演,於週一晚間九點(日本標準時間)播出。
2024年6月24日 · Your first kiss can be one of the most exciting and nerve-wracking experiences of your life. While preparing yourself for your first kiss isn't always a piece of cake, it's certainly better than suffering the consequences of an...
2024年9月11日 · Everyone remembers their first kiss, so why not make it extra special? Don't sweat it, though. There are plenty of tips to help make that first kiss wonderful, exciting, and memorable for you and your partner!