cgit Quick Facts. web interface (cgi) for Git repositories, written in C. licensed under GPLv2. discussions, patches etc. go to the list (signup, archive). real time chat available in #cgit on Libera.Chat. common questions are answered in the FAQ.
cgit - cgi for git This is an attempt to create a fast web interface for the git scm, using a builtin cache to decrease server io-pressure. Installation Building cgit involves building a proper version of git.
How do I use CGIT?
What does CGIT stand for?
What did CGIT do?
What does cgitrc do?
2023年5月10日 · cgit 是一个用 C 编写的用于 Git 存储库的超高速前端用户界面,特点:简单、强大。 谁在使用? 比如: https://git.kernel.org/ cgit. 准备环境. 前置条件:在 Debian 11 上已安装 nginx, git, vim 等软件包. 必需软件包. 安装 apache2-utils 用于 HTTP 基本认证管理, fcgiwrap 用于将 CGI 脚本转发到 FastCGI 进程和 Web 服务器通信. 复制. sudo apt update \ sudo apt install -y apache2-utils fcgiwrap. 添加 git 用户. 复制. sudo adduser git.
2024年6月10日 · 如果沒有多人合作 CI/CD 需求直接從網頁登入存取的需求 cgit 這個由 C 語言開發的網頁 cgi 服務, 簡潔又快速的功能或許可以輕易滿足你的需求喔. 步驟. 1. 環境配置. 運行環境. 任何 Unix-like 環境 ( Linux/FreeBSD/Cygwin/WSL ) 皆可, 本文章以 Debian GNU/Linux Buster (10) 為例進行解說, 相關過程指令也相容 Ubuntu Linux, Debian GNU/Linux Bullseye (11) 安裝相關套件. 2. 調校 nginx, cgit. 刪除 /etc/nginx/sites-{enabled,available}/default, 用以下設定檔取代.
- Sean Ho
A hyperfast web frontend for git repositories written in C. Jason A. Donenfeld
BranchCommit MessageAuthorAgeKian Kasad11 daysChristian Hesse3 monthsLoïc3 monthsDenis Pronin3 monthscgit - CGI for Git ===== This is an attempt to create a fast web interface for the Git SCM, using a built-in cache to decrease server I/O pressure. Installation ------------ Building cgit involves building a proper version of Git.
cgit - cgi for git This is an attempt to create a fast web interface for the git scm, using a builtin cache to decrease server io-pressure. Installation Building cgit involves building a proper version of git.