Hotel Monterey Kyoto。 Located at Karasuma Sanjo in the center of Kyoto, the hotel offers easy access by subway and bus to a host of famous spots in the city. Conveniently situated for both sightseeing and business, the hotel is just a short subway or taxi ride from Kyoto station.
京都蒙特利酒店(Hotel Monterey Kyoto)。 酒店融合了京都文化精髓與英国文化伝統,採用英國北方的蘇格蘭藝術工藝與古都愛丁堡風格為主題的設計。 京都與愛丁堡作為亞洲和歐洲美麗古都,不僅是姐妹城市,古老的街道和傳統的文化生活都非常相似。
早期申込みでお得にホテル予約!. ご予定が先に決まっているなら、30日~120日前から、ご予約可能な早得プランがおすすめです。. 私たちは、SDGs(持続可能な開発目標)を支援し、地球環境・地域社会への貢献を、さまざまな活動を通じて推進してまいり ...
提供優雅舒適的住宿環境,讓您身心徹底放鬆. 酒店提供3種不同氛圍的房型。. 體現京都溫和寧靜的「雅緻」房型,令人聯想起京都日落時分的「可愛動人」房型以及沉穩配色盡顯優雅的「華麗」房型。.
We offer 3 types of guest rooms each of which reflect a different part of Kyoto and has its own unique design: "Chic" rooms reflect Kyoto's stylish reputation; "Charming" rooms remind you of Kyoto's late evening sunset and "Gorgeous" rooms offer an elegant and relaxing color-scheme.
京都蒙特利酒店(Hotel Monterey Kyoto)。. 位于京都市中心的[乌丸三条],可乘地铁或京都市巴士前往京都各个观光胜地。. 无论是观光旅游还是进行商务活动都十分便捷。. 从京都车站乘地铁只有2站路大约5分钟,乘出租车大约8分钟。.
酒店集團的建筑融合世界各地歷史和風情元素,採用多元的設計風格,獲得过許多有名的都市景觀奖项。. 酒店注重傢具配件等室內裝飾的搭配,精選優質的備品,為顧客打造獨一無二的蒙特利式優雅舒適空間和浪漫、夢幻氛圍。. 此外,我們竭誠以細心體貼的 ...
BANQUETS & MEETINGS Located at Karasuma Sanjo in the center of Kyoto, the hotel offers easy access by subway and bus to a host of famous spots in the city. Conveniently situated for both sightseeing and business, the hotel is just a short subway or taxi ride from Kyoto station.
酒店融合了京都文化精髓與英国文化伝統,採用英國北方的蘇格蘭藝術工藝與古都愛丁堡風格為主題的設計。 京都與愛丁堡作為亞洲和歐洲美麗古都,不僅是姐妹城市,古老的街道和傳統的文化生活都非常相似。
[About 30 minutes by train from Hotel Monterey Kyoto] Kinkakuji Golden Pavilion (World Heritage Site) One of the most prominent sightseeing spots in Kyoto, the golden pavilion is particularly beautiful when viewed in the early morning or evening time, when its gold walls seems to glitter in the sunrays.