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  1. IQ Test for Free. The average IQ is 100. Have you wondered what your IQ score is? Our original IQ Test will give you a fast, free and accurate iq score. Take our fast and free IQ test and find out just how smart you are.

  2. Gratis IQ-test. Forsøk gjerne vår uformelle online hjemmetest. Den ligner på den kontrollerte testen, og kan brukes til øvelse. Dette er ikke en autorisert test, men vil kunne gi en indikasjon på ditt IQ-nivå. Mensa tilbyr også IQ-testing av barn over 6 år. Dette gjøres i Levanger, Oslo eller Trondheim, og koster kr 6.500,-.

  3. The home test is not an authorized test, but it will provide a good indication of your IQ level. Mensa also offers IQ testing of children above the age of 6. This test is performed in Levanger, Oslo or Trondheim, and costs 6500 NOK. Adolescents between the age of 14 and 18 may also be tested by a psychologist here, at regular hourly rate.

  4. › iq-score-guideIQ Test Scale

    The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) scale is a method used to classify human intelligence levels based on standardized test scores. The tests are designed to measure various cognitive abilities, such as verbal, mathematical, and spatial skills, as well as working memory and processing speed. IQ scores are usually calculated by comparing an ...

  5. 智商测试 智商测试很多,从网上免费的测试,到不需要版权的测试,到每做一次测试就需要购买一次答题册的有版权的测试。通常来说,网上测试的准确性(reliability, validity)很低。. 除了测试本身的准确性以外,还有两个决定测试价值的重要因素:. 1. 测试的 ...

  6. 但是如果你研究一下测智网里的智商与排名的关系,你会发现测智网给出的智商分布居然完全是平的!. 这大概说明什么问题呢?. 那就是如果你相信测智网的智商的话,那么高于130的人大概占总体人群的29%; 高于145的人大概占有总体的16%. 而事实上,>130的人理应 ...

  7. 现在国内有提供智力测试的网站有很多,但是光娱乐性的测试就占据了一大半。. 还有一部分是挂着权威测试的名称的,但实则只是照搬的测试,还无准确性可言。. 所以,通常我是建议直接到大型医院的精神科去做智力测试,这样结果会比较有保障。. 如果确实 ...

  8. › topic › 19575649智商 - 知乎

    知乎小知 摘录于 2020-04-24. 智商(英语:IQ),即智力商数(Intelligence Quotient),系个人智力测验成绩和同年龄被试成绩相比的指数,是衡量个人智力高低的标准。. 智商概念是美国斯丹福大学心理学家特曼教授提出的。. 20世纪初,法国心理学家比奈(Alfred Binet ...

  9. Fast, Free & Accurate Online IQ Test. 1. Which one of the five is least like the other four? Dog. Mouse. Lion. Snake. Elephant. Proceed to Question # 2 of 20.

  10. IQ handler først og fremst om ditt potensial til å lære, og evnen til å analysere, forstå og se sammenhenger. Men det er veldig miljøavhengig i hvilken grad du har fått utnyttet og utviklet dette potensialet. Det er mange som i voksen alder har tatt en IQ-test og

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