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    ph. 片語

    • 1. 【數】無理數

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  2. In mathematics, the irrational numbers (in-+ rational) are all the real numbers that are not rational numbers. That is, irrational numbers cannot be expressed as the ratio of two integers.

  3. 無理數(irrational number)是指有理数以外的实数,當中的「理」字来自于拉丁语的rationalis,意思是「理解」,实际是拉丁文对于logos「说明」的翻译,是指无法用两整数之比来说明的无理数。

  4. 無理數(irrational number)是指有理數以外的實數,當中的「理」字來自於拉丁語的rationalis,意思是「理解」,實際是拉丁文對於logos「說明」的翻譯,是指無法用兩整數之比來說明的無理數。

  5. An Irrational Number is a real number that cannot be written as a simple fraction: 1.5 is rational, but π is irrational Irrational means not Rational (no ratio)

  6. 所有整數、分數、有盡小數和循環小數都是有理數。. 其實大家按「“有理數”是指我們能 準確地 掌握和表達它的值的數」就會明白。. 整數當然可以一個個咁數,所以係有理數唔奇。. 分數我地都可以準確地理解到佢係幾多。. 就算係\ (dfrac {3} {23491}\},我地都 ...

  7. 2024年3月8日 · 无理数(irrational number)是指有理数以外的实数,当中的“理”字来自于拉丁语的rationalis,意思是“理解”,实际是拉丁文对于logos“说明”的翻译,是指无法用两整数之比来说明的无理数。

  8. Irrational numbers are the type of real numbers that cannot be expressed in the form p q, q ≠ 0. These numbers include non-terminating, non-repeating decimals. Real Numbers = R. Rational and irrational numbers together make real numbers.

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    rational number