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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ˋlɛv!]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 水平線;水平面[C] The village is 1,000 meters above sea level. 這村子海拔一千公尺。
    • 2. 高,高度[C][U] The flood rose to a level of 50 feet. 洪水漲到五十英尺高。

    a. 形容詞

    • 1. 水平的,平的 Some streets are not level in the city. 城裡有幾條街道不平坦。
    • 2. 同高度的,同水平的,同程度的,並進的[F][(+with)]

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 弄平,推平[(+out/off)] The bulldozer leveled the mound of earth. 推土機把土堆鏟平。
    • 2. 夷平;毀壞;擊倒 The trees were leveled by the typhoon. 樹木被颱風刮倒了。

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 變平 The deck of the ship leveled as the wind subsided. 隨著風的平息,船甲板也平穩了。
    • 2. 用槍瞄準[(+at)]

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  2. If you speak in a level voice or give someone a level look, you do it in a calm and controlled way. (說話聲或目光)平靜的,平穩的 In a level voice , he ordered the soldiers to aim and fire .

  3. (文化等的)水準,程度,標準[C][U] These students have not reached an advanced level yet. 這些學生尚未達到高級班的程度。 6. 【美】水準儀;水準測量[C] 7. 級別;地位[C] They are holding a conference at ministerial level. 他們正在舉行部長級會議。

  4. a particular position, degree, or amount of something, esp. compared with other possible positions, degrees, or amounts: [ C ] The water level in the lake is higher after a heavy rain. [ U ] The big debate is whether more decisions should be made at the local level or at the national level.

  5. level noun [C] (HEIGHT) Add to word list. B2. the height of something. 高度. The water level in the lake is much higher after heavy rain. 暴雨过后这个湖的水位上升了很多。. B2. the amount or number of something.

  6. level adj 1: having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another; "a flat desk"; "acres of level farmland"; "a plane surface"; "skirts sewn with fine flat seams" [syn: {flat}, {level}, {plane}] 2: not showing abrupt variations; "spoke in a

  7. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供level的中文意思,level的用法讲解,level的读音,level的同义词,level的反义词,level的例句等英语服务。

  8. level. /ˈlɛvəl/. 名詞. 水準, 級別. "level" 例句. The COVID-19 pandemic increased levels of unemployment in many countries around the world. 新冠肺炎的疫情造成世界各地許多國家的失業率上升。. The high levels of air pollution have become a major concern for residents of the town. 嚴重空汙已變成該城鎮 ...

  9. 英語釋義. having a horizontal surface in which no part is higher or lower than another; "a flat desk". "acres of level farmland". "a plane surface". a flat surface at right angles to a plumb line; "park the car on the level ".

  10. 同義詞: degree, grade, height above ground; "the water reached ankle level"; "the pictures were at the same level". an abstract place usually conceived as having depth; "a good actor communicates on several levels"; "a simile has at least two layers of meaning"; "the mind functions on many strata simultaneously".

  11. level. /ˈlevl/. 名詞. 高度, 水準. "level" 例句. Next, raise your arms so that they're at the same level as your shoulders. 下次舉起你的雙手,這樣它們就會跟你的肩膀一樣高。. The river reached its highest level since 1994. 河流達到了自1994年以來最高的水位。.

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