這是從東京·墨田區·錦糸町站步行 1 分鐘的“錦糸町樂天城市酒店”的官方網站。 欣賞東京晴空塔的絕景,度過悠閒的時光。 從東京站最快約10分鐘即可抵達,觀光和商務都很方便,並提供女性專用樓層和通用客房等多種服務。
通用設計,可在各種情況下使用。. Marines Room. The room is based on the Marines’ team colors of black and white, and the green carpet that covers the entire surface gives you a sense of excitement, as if you’ve entered ZOZO Marine Stadium. LOTTE CITY HOTEL 錦糸町. 〒130-0013 東京都墨田區錦糸4-6-1.
全新裝潢的客房,提供更高品質的舒適住宿. 開著的窗戶是房間的標誌,床、沙發等的擺放位置都經過精心設計,讓您盡可能欣賞風景。. 透過擴大居住空間,我們將其改造成可以讓您更加放鬆的高品質客房。. 我們的目標是成為一家不僅可以作為住宿基地,而且 ...
地點:4樓「夏洛特」. 營業時間:7:00-10:00(最後訂單 9:30). 費用. 成人:3,000日圓. 小學生:1,000日圓. 4歲以上 – 學齡前兒童:500日圓. *如果在使用日期前一天申請,則只需 2,500 日元即可使用。. *沒有早餐券。. 請直接前往餐廳並告訴工作人員您的姓名和房間 ...
地板帶安全鎖. 因為您需要一把特殊的鑰匙才能進入女士的地板,所以它很安全。. 女人可以獨自一人入住時保持安全。. LOTTE CITY HOTEL 錦糸町. 〒130-0013 東京都墨田區錦糸4-6-1. 電話.03-5619-1066. 諮詢.
We will respond to various needs of our customers, such as inquiries about accommodation, inquiries about meeting rooms, banquet halls, and restaurants. Also, please let us know your opinions and requests. We look forward to helping you have a comfortable stay at Lotte City Hotels.
Extra bed is available for 6,050 yen per night including tax. A Blu-ray compatible DVD player is available for 1,000 yen per night including tax. Various hair irons are available for 1,000 yen per night including tax.
Premium Deluxe Twin Let in plenty of sunlight from the window and create the best morning. The bath and wash basin are separate, so there is enough space for up to 4 people, ... RENTAL AMENITY Lotte City Hotel Kinshicho provides a variety of borrowable items ...