利用物理傷害或化學硬化藥劑 (sclerosing agents),造成肋膜強烈發炎,使得壁層肋膜 (parietal pleura)與臟層肋膜 (visceral pleura)相連,以消除肋膜腔 (pleural space),使得肋膜積液或氣胸無從生成。. 肋膜腔乃一彈性空間 (potential space),正常狀況下肋膜液甚少 (<10 ml),休息 ...
The successfully induced inflammatory response by minocycline is supposed to prohibit the tumor invasion and metastasis. Further studies are warranted to clarify the mechanism and provide opportunities to develop novel therapeutic strategies. Keywords: inflammation, intrapleural urokinase, malignant pleural effusion, pleurodesis, survival.
Recent findings: In a recently published prospective, randomized controlled trial, additional minocycline pleurodesis following simple aspiration and drainage was a well tolerated and more effective initial treatment for a first episode of primary spontaneous pneumothorax than simple aspiration and drainage alone.
- Jin-Shing Chen, Wing-Kai Chan, Pan-Chyr Yang
- 2014
2016年11月1日 · Minocycline appears similarly effective post-VATS (recurrence rates 0.0–2.9%). Prolonged air leak and recurrence prevention using tetracycline via chest drain (n=726) is likely to provide recurrence rates between 13.0% and 33.3% and autologous blood patch pleurodesis (n=270) between 15.6% and 18.2%.
- Rob Hallifax, A Yousuf, Hayley E Jones, JP Corcoran, I Psallidas, NM Rahman
- 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2015-207967
- 2017
- Thorax. 2017 Dec; 72(12): 1121-1131.
以下是我們關於這三方面的研究成果摘要: 一、減少手術的創傷及並促進傷口的美觀 爲減少手術的創傷及加速病患的恢復,目前原發型自發性氣胸手術治療的主流為胸腔鏡手術。 但傳統胸腔鏡手術的傷口並非完美,術後仍有約30%的病患會有長期傷口疼痛的現象。 爲了進一步減少手術的創傷,我們改良迷你胸腔鏡的手術方法,並應用在原發型自發性氣胸病患的治療。 為了測試改良的迷你胸腔鏡手術是否為治療原發型自發性氣胸之可行方法,於2001年4月到2002年4月間,台大醫院胸腔外科共有63位原發型自發性氣胸病患因同側氣胸復發,對側氣胸復發,或胸管持續漏氣而接受胸腔鏡手術治療。 其中28例病患選擇改良式的迷你胸腔鏡手術,另有35例病患選擇傳統之胸腔鏡手術。
What is intrapleural minocycline pleurodesis?
How effective is minocycline pleurodesis after simple aspiration and drainage?
Can intrapleural minocycline pleurodesis reduce pneumothorax recurrence?
Does minocycline prevent tumor invasion and metastasis?
Can tetracycline pleurodesis be used to treat spontaneous pneumothorax?
How effective is tetracycline for recurrence of blood patch pleurodesis?
Background: Pleurodesis is often used to prevent the re-accumulation of a malignant pleural effusion (MPE). Intrapleural urokinase (IPUK) therapy facilitates lung re-expansion for patients with loculated MPE or a trapped lung that allows subsequent pleurodesis.
Minocycline. Successful pleurodesis translated into a better survival rate that promotes performing pleurodesis on lung re-expansion. The apparent shorter survival of the patients with loculated MPE or trapped lung, and those that did not respond to the IPUK therapy, lowered the probability of the survival benef ….