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  1. 中華汽車輔銷APP後台管理系統

  2. › product_5230 › Web_ManageFlot Examples: Visitors

    This plot shows visitors per day to the Flot homepage, with weekends colored. The smaller plot is linked to the main plot, so it acts as an overview. Try dragging a selection on either plot, and watch the behavior of the other.

  3. › product_5230 › Web_ManageFlot Examples: Basic Usage

    You don't have to do much to get an attractive plot. Create a placeholder, make sure it has dimensions (so Flot knows at what size to draw the plot), then call the plot function with your data. The axes are automatically scaled.

  4. 三菱汽車官方網站,提供各式進口車、乘用車、商用車銷售服務,歡迎前來賞車,另提供展示中心查詢、預約試乘、預約保養服務、客服中心、品牌中古車等貼心服務。

  5. › product_5230 ›

  6. › product_5230 › Web_ManageGMaps.js — Static map

    You can easily make a static map using GMaps.js: url = GMaps.staticMapURL({ size: [610, 350], lat: -12.043333, lng: -77.028333 }); $('<img/>').attr('src', url) .appendTo('#map'); You must define a size and the latitude and longitude of the map's center. Note: You also can define zoom (by default is 15). You also can define

  7. › product_5230 › Web_ManageFlot Examples: Navigation

    With the navigate plugin it is easy to add panning and zooming. Drag to pan, double click to zoom (or use the mouse scrollwheel). The plugin fires events (useful for synchronizing several plots) and adds a couple of public methods so you can easily build a little user ...

  8. › product_5230 › Web_ManageGMaps.js — Overlays

    You can add overlays using: map.drawOverlay({ lat: -12.043333, lng: -77.028333, content: '<div class="overlay">Lima</div>' }); You must define latitude, longitude and ...

  9. EXPLORE MODERN DYNAMIC e -Assist LOW ACC Active Stability Control(ASC) Traction Control(TCL) RISE 25m Emergency Stop lamp System(ESS) Hill Start Assist system(HSA) PROTECTION OUTLANDER , : 168PS/6,ooo ...

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