Mitsui Garden Hotel Kyoto Shijo is a 6-minute walk from Shijo and Karasuma stations. Bask in the atmosphere of the former capital while resting in our popular garden bath.
靠近京都站意味著您可以輕鬆自在地旅行。. 從JR「京都」站 步行約3分鐘. 三井花園飯店京都河原町淨教寺. 在我們的酒店享受獨特的京都住宿,酒店一樓更有一座寺廟,而且位置亦靠近京都的中心 - 四條河原町。. 從阪急「京都河原町」站 步行約1分鐘. 京都祇園 ...
〒600-8472 京都市下京区西洞院通四条下ル妙伝寺町707-1 075-361-5531 電話番号のおかけ間違いのないようお願いいたします。
Best Rate Guaranteed. Mitsui Garden Hotel Kyoto Shijo, guest room list. Decorated with kimono and kimono sash motifs, this colorful space will help make your stay more pleasant and enjoyable.
三井花园饭店京都河原町净教寺. 在我们的酒店享受独特的京都住宿,酒店一楼更有一座寺庙,而且位置亦靠近京都的中心 - 四条河原町。. 从阪急“京都河原町”站 步行约1分钟. 京都祗园赛莱斯廷酒店. 伫立于京都祇园的东山悠远宅邸 度过一段特别时光 让您 ...
Mitsui Garden Hotel Kyoto Station is just a 3-minute walk from Kyoto Station. The hotel is situated at the hub of Kyoto transport and is a perfect base to plan your sightseeing excursions. Our ambient lounge also offers guests a chance to unwind after a long day of taking in the beauty of Kyoto.
The amenities and services available Mitsui Garden Hotel Kyoto Shijo. Garden bath, parking lot, free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel, hotel security and rental items are available. Guest Rooms
Enjoy a truly unique stay in Kyoto at our hotel that has a temple on the first floor, located near Shijo Kawaramachi, Kyoto's best downtown area. Guest Rooms Breakfast
Mitsui Garden Hotel Kyoto Sanjo is just a 1-minute walk from Karasuma Oike Station. Guests are greeted by a space that encompasses the history of Japan through the ages, fusing traditional and exotic Japanese elements to create a harmonious environment that welcomes its guests.
707-1 Myodenji-cho, Shijo-sagaru, Nishinotoin-dori, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, 600-8472. Best Rate Guaranteed. Breakfast at Mitsui Garden Hotel Kyoto Shijo. A wide variety of mouthwatering regional Kyoto dishes, served in a plentiful buffet style.