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  1. In immunology, reactive lymphocytes, variant lymphocytes, atypical lymphocytes, Downey cells or Türk cells are cytotoxic (CD8 +) lymphocytes that become large as a result of antigen stimulation. Typically, they can be more than 30 μm in diameter with varying size and shape.

  2. 淋巴球 (英語: lymphocyte ),也稱 淋巴細胞 ,為 白血球 中體積最小的一種,直徑6—8微米;在人體約占白血球的20—30%,圓形 細胞核 , 細胞質 很少。 某些疾病可以影響淋巴球數目的增減,如患 肺結核 時,有顯著增加。

  3. 各種損傷和刺激常引起淋巴結內的 淋巴細胞 和組織細胞反應性 增生 ,使 淋巴結腫大 ,稱為 淋巴結反應性增生(reactive hyperplasia of lymph node) 。 其原因很多,包括 細菌 、 病毒 、毒物、 代謝 的 毒性 產物、變性的組織成分及異物等,都可成為 抗原 或 致敏 原刺激 淋巴組織 引起反應。 淋巴結腫大的程度不等,有時可達10cm。 鏡下,由於致病原因不同,淋巴結反應性增生的成分和分布情況不同。 刺激B 細胞 的抗原物質主要引起 淋巴濾泡 增生增大, 生髮中心 擴大增生;刺激T細胞的抗原物質主要引起 濾泡 旁區淋巴細胞增生。 有些抗原物質則主要引起 淋巴 竇內的組織細胞增生。

  4. Reactive lymphocytes are large, immune-stimulated lymphocytes with dark-blue cytoplasm and irregular, scalloped, or cleaved nuclei. They are also called immunocytes, virocytes, and variant lymphocytes.

  5. 2.Atypical lymphocyte (典型淋巴球)在感冒,病毒感染,慢性疾病,甚至正常人體的血液中,都可能存在的;它可能是人體對抗感染所產生的淋巴球增生,導致一些過渡型的淋巴球被看見,也就是非典型淋巴球.

  6. 2016年3月1日 · Reactive lymphocytes show a range of morphologic features. Reactive lymphocytes with immunoblast-like morphology are large cells with high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratios, condensed chromatin, and deeply basophilic cytoplasm.

  7. Reactive lymphocytes are immune-stimulated lymphocytes with upregulated synthesis of inflammatory mediators, and/or immunoglobulins (antibodies), or both. Reactive lymphocytes in peripheral blood suggest active, systemic antigenic stimulation secondary to both infectious and noninfectious disorders.

  8. May 2021—How to distinguish “reactive” and “nonreactive” benign lymphocytosis from malignant lymphocytosis, and between benign and malignant large granular lymphocytosis, is how Kyle Bradley, MD, of Emory University, opened his talk in a CAP20 virtual session last fall.

  9. Tumor-reactive lymphocytes, which may include αβ-T lymphocytes, γδ-T lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, and NK T cells, have been identified in peripheral blood, bone marrow and the tumor microenvironment (ie, tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes [TILs]), in a wide variety of human cancers.

  10. 2015年10月19日 · Reactive Lymphocytosis. Separating a monomorphic lymphocytosis from a pleomorphic lymphocytosis can help distinguish a lymphoproliferative disorder from a reactive lymphocytosis, respectively. 1 Most reactive lymphocytoses show a wide range of sizes and shapes in lymphocytes.