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  1. With five new Rack devices, a completely redesigned browser to search for patches or samples, and a new sequencer workflow in the Reason DAW, Reason 13 is all about getting you to your sound faster. Audio examples

  2. It's a virtual Rack where you wire up instruments and effects to create the sounds you're looking for. You can use it as a plugin or a full-blown DAW with recording, sequencing, mixing, and everything else you’d expect. Fast, fluid, and fun, Reason is all about making music—however you make music. DISCOVER REASON.

  3. REASON You can get Reason in two ways: through Reason+ as a subscription or by purchasing a license for our latest version. Reason+ includes additional features, instruments, and effects, along with access to our legacy of hand-crafted sounds developed over the last 30 years.

  4. Reason is a digital audio workstation (DAW) software created by Propellerhead Software AB. It is used by musicians and producers to record, edit, mix, and produce music. One of Reason's main features is that it offers a virtual rack system that allows users to create complex music setups, similar to physical hardware.

  5. Reason 13 編曲軟體. NT$ 15,513. Reason is a powerful collection of fantastic instruments, synthesizers and effects for you to create endless amazing sounds and music. Use it as a plugin with your favorite DAW or produce music in Reason standalone.

  6. Reason是由瑞典軟體公司Reason工作室所開發的音樂製作軟體。 它類比成架的硬體合成器、取樣機、訊號處理器、編曲機以及混音器。 Reason可以作為一個完整的音樂工作室使用,也可以被其他編曲軟體使用當作虛擬樂器外掛程式。

  7. REASON 8.2更新釋出 註:此版本不含soundbanks,是給已經安裝Reason 8的用戶使用 Reason 8.2只能使用於64-bit 下載連結請點我 安裝說明: 1、Windo … All reactions: 2

  8. ∎ 可免費升級成最新版本 ∎ 擁有REASON 經典的合成器、樂器及效果 ∎ 隨時都可以將你的好主意製作成傑出的音樂 ∎ 可單獨使用或當作為你喜愛的DAW中的插件

  9. Reason 是由瑞典軟體公司 Propellerhead Software 所開發的一套功能強大的音樂製作軟體,可以在 Windows和 MAC 平台運作。 Reason 的軟體設備包括有合成器,採樣器,鼓機,ReCycle 迴圈播放器,混響器,效果器 ,pattern音序器等,能夠滿足你電腦音樂製作的各種處理要求。 Reason 的軟體名稱是得自尼爾史蒂芬森的一部科幻小說「Snow Crash」中的一樣設備。 在早期的發展它被稱作 Realizer(繼PPG Realizer之後)。 完整的音樂錄音與製作軟體,有你所需要的一切,編寫、錄音、混音以及製作音軌。 What is Reason? 更新介紹. NEW IN 13. Your sound, faster.

  10. 2017年10月28日 · Propellerhead Software 發行了 Reason 10,從它的官網或是世界代理商都可以購買了。 你可以輕鬆地開始創作、編曲和混音! 簡簡單單的五步驟,一個節奏+彈奏樂器+錄音+詳細編輯聲音=你的成品!

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