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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ˋʃekɪŋ]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 搖動;揮動
    • 2. 震動;震驚

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  2. 2024年9月15日 · Tremors are involuntary shaking movements of a part of your body that you cannot control. They can be caused by various factors, such as essential tremor, anxiety, low blood sugar, caffeine, medications, alcohol withdrawal, Parkinson's disease and more.

  3. 2023年2月12日 · Essential tremor is a condition that causes uncontrolled shaking movements in parts of your body, usually your arms and hands. Learn about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options for essential tremor, and how it differs from other types of tremor.

  4. Tree-Shaking 是一种基于ES Module规范的 Dead Code Elimination(死代码优化)技术,它会在运行过程中静态分析模块之间的导入导出,确定 ESM 模块中哪些导出值未曾其它模块使用,并将其删除,以此实现打包产物的优化(减少打包体积)。

  5. 2019年7月5日 · lodash 不能 Tree-shaking,问题不在于你,是 lodash 自己的问题。(题主问的是 Webpack 的 Tree-shaking,所以下面的内容都是针对 Webpack 的,不考虑其它打包工具如 Rollup) 缩写表: ESM - Ecma262 Modules (ES Modules)

  6. 2020年2月7日 · TRE stands for Trauma and Tension Release Exercises, a set of movements that trigger a natural tremoring response in the body. Learn how TRE can help you manage stress, PTSD and other conditions, and how to practise it safely.

  7. 2023年9月14日 · Rigors are episodes of shivering and feeling very cold or very hot while your temperature rises or falls. They can be a sign of various infections, some serious and some not, and you should always seek medical advice if you or your child have them.

  8. after chewing gum last night which i know i probbly shouldnt do, i got slight stomach pains, slight nausea and i started to eventually feel shaky. not like a visible shaking but on the inside. i have been having bad anxiety all week so i would not be surprised if it is

  9. 2016年2月22日 · If my body then urges me to the loo, being polite here, normally after about 30 - 45 mins I can hardly walk due to shaking, feel dizzy, have a headache and usually just collapse on the bed and if at night sleep for 9-12 hours and if morning I usually go to sleep and

  10. 2024年9月18日 · Eustachian tube dysfunction is when the tube that connects the middle ear with the nose is blocked or not working properly. It can cause dulled hearing, ear pressure, ringing and dizziness. Learn about the common causes, how to prevent it and when to see a doctor.

  11. › news-and-features › when-to-worry-about-a-sore-throatWhen to worry about a sore throat

    2024年5月16日 · Learn about the causes, symptoms and treatments of sore throats, and when to seek medical attention. Most sore throats are viral and last less than a week, but some may be bacterial and need antibiotics.

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