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  1. 新光醫院是一家以先進醫療設備、優質照護服務和一流醫護人員聞名的醫院。

  2. Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Hospital committed to provide professional diagnosis and treatment, improving medical quality and communication between doctors and patients, providing a safer medical environment, and enhancing the development of community health in order to achieve the spirit of "Professionalism, Enthusiasm, and Service" and enhance the "Hea...

  3. 新光醫院掛號系統,讓您線上預約各科門診,方便快速,享受優質醫療服務。

  4. 心臟內科自創院以來,由洪啟仁榮譽院長及現任侯勝茂院長領軍下,擁有一流的醫護團隊與先進的設備,是我國第一個24小時急診做心肌梗塞氣球擴張之醫院,於心血管介入治療之質與量居我國領先地位。. 生殖醫學中心. 新光醫院生殖醫學中心成立於民國82年 ...

  5. Established in 1992, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital is comprised 35 departments, with a total of 921 beds. Its state-of-the-art medical facilities and highly trained specialists enable it to provide top-quality diagnosis and treatment, and it was upgraded to a Medical Center after accreditation by the DOH.

  6. 由邱浩彰副院長主持,集結神經內科葉建宏主任及神經外科蔡明達主任之專業整合帶領下,成立「新光神經團隊」(Shin Kong Neurological Group) ,在臨床、教學及研究方面密切合作,為國內神經學界首創並傳為佳話。

  7. 2019年2月23日 · Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital. 醫療機構代碼1101150011. 所在縣市臺北市. 機構網址: 中文 | English. 機構地址:臺北市士林區文昌路95號及士商路51號1~7樓、53號、55號、57號. ★認證通過單位為「單一機構」,請注意機構所在地及地址等資訊★. 【疾病 ...

  8. › twhealthcaresi › Hospital_ServicesShin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital

    Founded in 1992, the Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital is a leading medical center with 42 specialty departments highly qualified for the diagnosis and treatment of a broad spectrum of diseases. Our 862 bed facility offers only the best medical care to the community.

  9. Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital. Award: Annual Best Design Award for Energy Saving, Architecture and Building Research Institute, Ministry of the Interior 1994. Owner: Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital by Shin Kong Group. Area: 77,667 square meters (23,494 ping) Number of beds: 600 beds. Date started: July 1986.

  10. Established in 1992, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital is comprised 35 departments, with a total of 921 beds. Its state-of-the-art medical facilities and highly trained specialists enable it to provide top-quality diagnosis and treatment, and it was upgraded to a Medical Center after accreditation by the DOH.