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  1. Taiwan News provides the latest stories on all things related to Taiwan, from breaking news to articles on politics, business, technology, society, travel, cuisine, and culture, among others.

  2. 2 天前 · Taiwan, China officials attend Kinmen-Xiamen relay swimming contest. An annual long-distance relay swimming contest in the waters between Taiwan's Kinmen islands and China's Xiamen...

  3. 提供即時新聞以及豐富的政治、社會、地方、兩岸、國際、財經、數位、運動、NBA、娛樂、生活、健康、旅遊新聞,以最即時、多元的內容 ...

  4. 2024年4月21日 · The head of a Taiwan-based investment company surnamed Tseng (曾), along with 151 others, was indicted on Thursday for allegedly selling offshore funds in contravention of banking laws, among other offenses, the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office said in a

  5. 20日中午12時許,桃園市蘆竹區仁愛路一段與油管路一段路口發生一起死亡車禍事故,42歲洪姓無照機車騎士與小貨車相撞,洪姓騎士當場噴飛,消防分隊到場後,洪姓騎士因頭部受創送林口長庚醫院急救,因傷勢過重於. 五楊高架北向38.5公里林口段火燒車 幸無人受傷. 03:25 2024/07/21. 社會. 20日晚間8時45許,五楊高架北向38.5公里林口路段發生一起火燒車事故。...

  6. 2 天前 · Taiwan, China officials attend Kinmen-Xiamen relay swimming contest. An annual long-distance relay swimming contest in the waters between Taiwan's Kinmen islands and China's Xiamen involving ...

  7. 關公誕辰快到了. 3生肖求財絕佳時機曝. 侵台機率增 颱風假有望. 專家:凱米恐直接登陸. 前裕隆教頭林正明因病過世. 享壽63歲. 3度倒車衝撞性侵案幼兒園. 奶爸怒掛布條:我也有女兒. 補教老闆涉創意私房身亡. 身份遭曝 網怒:根本滅證. 陳亭妃恐轉投英系? 民進黨大老鐵口直斷回應. 賴清德對國會改革法硬幹? 柯志恩斷言後果:永無天日. 斷言吳崢「要完了」 謝龍介:賴不喜歡這一套....

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