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  1. A telc language certificate allows you to demonstrate your proficiency in 11 languages at all levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Developed by our teams of content experts and test specialists, telc language examinations are constantly checked for validity, reliability and objectivity, thereby guaranteeing ...

    • telc Website

      Find a telc examination centre With over 3,000 ...

  2. Find a telc examination centre With over 3,000 examination centres worldwide, telc offers the language examination of your choice, in the location of your choice.

  3. Sprachprüfungen, Lernmaterialen und Trainings. Für Beruf, Integration und Hochschulen. Zertifikate von A1 bis C2 - jetzt informieren.

  4. 2020年3月14日 · 捷克特奇 Telc雖然迷你卻吸引人,小鎮裡充滿悠閒步調,彷彿世外桃源,讓人捨不得離開! 來到捷克自由行,可千萬別忘記將這個世界遺產小鎮排進行程裡!

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  5. 2021年1月20日 · Telc在 14 世紀時曾遭遇兩次大火摧殘,之後 16 世紀正是文藝復興時期,想當然爾~重建的建築物都充滿文藝復興風格啦! 最大的特色就是:左右對稱! 所以看起來超級整齊也不是沒有原因~

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  6. 2017年8月15日 · 捷克特爾奇(Telc)一個靜謐古色古香的小鎮,位於布拉格到維也納的國王大道的中心點,近五百年來都未受到任何破壞,寧靜的小鎮在1992年列入世界文化遺產,一般到這個景點,大都從奧地利/維也納下飛機後,搭遊覽車開車174KM可到達特爾奇( Telc

  7. The European Language Certificates (telc; also known as telc language tests) are international standardised tests of ten languages. telc gGmbH is a non-profit language test, examination and certificate provider based in Frankfurt am Main.

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