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  1. When players have only one card left, they must still yell 'UNO!'. Colors and decorations may vary. Everyone's favorite card game gets even more fun and engaging with UNO Attack®! This version of the UNO Attack® game brings action, suspense and surprise with its sleek look, cool sounds and high-shooting cards.

    • UNO
  2. 2019年10月29日 · Brace yourself for an updated, modern version of the UNO Attack! The sleek UNO Attack! game's random card shooter offers an exciting way to play UNO! ...more.

    • 16 秒
    • 618.3K
    • Mattel
  3. › wiki › Uno_AttackUno Attack - Wikipedia

    Uno Attack (called Uno Extreme in the United Kingdom and Canada; stylized as UNO Attack) is one of many variations on the popular Mattel card game Uno. It includes 112 (106 in the later versions) cards as well as a mechanical card launcher.

  4. How to play Uno Attack. Learn the rules to the card game Uno Attack! quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules.Don't own the game?amazon.c...

    • 7 分鐘
    • 444.9K
    • Triple S Games
  5. 2007年2月18日 · 一、當玩家手上只剩餘一張咭時要在尾二咭接觸到丟棄堆前叫「UNO」,否則若被人發現則要罰按兩次發射器。 二、捉拿忘記說「UNO」的機會只在UNO玩家放下尾二咭接觸到丟棄堆之際至下一玩家放咭或按發射鍵之間。

    • Aaweb
  6. 其他人也問了

  7. 2024年8月23日 · UNO Attack is a fun variation of UNO that includes a card launcher and a special deck of cards that can add a twist to the game. To play, first shuffle the cards and deal 7 to each player. You can play UNO Attack with up to 9 people.

  8. › uno-attack-rulesUno Attack Rules

    Uno Attack is a popular adaption of the original Uno game that involves an electronic card shooter. The shooter has a launch button, and when pressed, 0-12 cards can be shot out. Uno Attack is also known as Uno Extreme in Canada and the UK.

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