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  1. 敬請 萬海User使用萬海內部系統入口. (之帳號密碼登入. 帳號密碼皆區分大小寫. Wan Hai Portal User (,please login. Family website by using Portal User-Name/password. Account and Password are case sensitive.

  2. Welcome to Wan Hai Family. 萬海園地APP已上線運行囉. Android 版本 : 請用手機掃描以下 QR Code 下載並安裝,詳細內容請參考 安裝手冊. iOS 版本 : 請用手機掃描以下 QR Code 下載並安裝,詳細內容請參考 安裝手冊. FAMILY website will not provide "change password" and "lost password" functions for "WHL Portal users".

  3. WAN HAI LINES (the "Company") solemnly declares that the Company is a safety-certified and good-quality enterprise (AEO), and is always the top of container shipping schedule reliability recognized by this industry for long.

  4. 食、衣、住、行、育與樂等百餘家經典名店,多元的商家優惠內容,即刻登入,即刻享受! 聲明. 萬海航運謹鄭重聲明:本公司為安全認證優質企業 (AEO),且歷來均於集裝箱船準班率、船期準確率長居第一,更屢獲年度最佳航商之業界肯定;本公司恪遵國際法規 ...

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  6. Wan Hai Lines began in 1965 primarily as a log transportation company operating in Taiwan, Japan, and Southeast Asia. In 1976, in response to the rapid development of international trade in the Asia Pacific and other international trends, Wan Hai transformed itself into a full-container vessel shipping company.

  7. Wan Hai Lines, Ltd. ( Chinese: 萬海航運股份有限公司; pinyin: Wàn Hǎi Hángyùn Gǔfèn Yǒuxiàn Gōngsī) is a Taiwanese shipping company founded in 1965. Since then, it has become one of the largest companies in the container shipping industry, with a fleet of 142 vessels and a carrying capacity of 430,854 TEUs as of January 2023. [1] History.

  8. › views › aboutusWAN HAI LINES LTD.

    Wan Hai started primarily as a raw log shipping company operating in Taiwan, Japan, and Southeast Asia. Recognizing the coming trends of containerization, we purchased our first full-container ship, MV "Ming Chun", in July 1976 and started container shipping between Taiwan and Japan.

  9. 萬海航運股份有限公司. 公司簡介. 創立日期: 1965年2月24日. 萬海創立初期以從事台灣、日本、東南亞間原木運輸為主。 爾後鑒於國際海運有逐漸邁入貨櫃化服務之趨勢,乃於1976年7月購置第一艘全貨櫃輪「明春輪」,開始台灣至日本的貨櫃運輸服務,從此樹立了萬海貨櫃服務的里程碑。 1983年6月萬海首闢日本關東、關西分線直航,奠定萬海於日本線市場領導者的地位。 為了擴大經營規模,服務至東南亞投資設廠的台商,1989年起陸續開闢韓、星、馬、泰、印、越等航線。 萬海於近洋航線經營績效卓著,躍居國內第三大航商,且是遠東地區航次最密集、服務網路最完整之航運公司,並屢獲交通部頒發績優航商等殊榮。

  10. WAN HAI LINES LTD. - 海勤專區. 船員人力資源Crew Human Resource. 員工訓練及發展 Training & Development. 訓練課程 在萬海這個大家庭裡,員工是公司最重要的資產,基於航行安全及人才培育,代代相傳的概念,公司對於船員的培訓規劃了一系列完整培訓課程,以提升船隊安全與員工個人專業素質。 職涯發展 從實習生到高階管理人員,公司提供完整的職涯規劃,包括晉升輪調培訓及各項教育訓練措施,鼓勵海勤同仁不斷充實。 此外公司亦有完善的海陸輪調及陸海輪調政策,提供多元的職涯發展與選擇機會。