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  1. View financial statements, bad debt disclosures, and internal control statements for the Wells Fargo Taipei branch.

  2. 本地分行. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., TAIPEI BRANCH. FLOOR 17, 44 CHUNG SHAN NORTH ROAD. Taiwan. BIC/SWIFT 銀行代碼查詢,助你搜尋任何銀行的國際匯款代碼,輕鬆處理海外匯款.

  3. Below you can find the local branches for WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., TAIPEI BRANCH in Taiwan. PNBPTWTPXXX. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., TAIPEI BRANCH, FLOOR 17, 44 CHUNG SHAN NORTH ROAD. 1. Find any SWIFT or BIC code with this SWIFT code finder. Easily look up your SWIFT code, and find all the details you need to send money abroad.

  4. The SWIFT code PNBPTWTPXXX refers to WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., TAIPEI BRANCH, which is a financial institution based in Taiwan. It is the unique identification code assigned to this specific bank and is used for international transactions, facilitating secure communication between financial institutions when transferring money globally.

  5. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., TAIPEI BRANCH的SWIFT代碼的詳情. SWIFT / BIC是由8-11個字符組成的代碼用於標識你所在的國家城市銀行和分支機構。. 銀行代碼 A-Z 4個字母代表銀行,通常看起來像是該銀行名稱的縮寫。. 國家/地區代碼 A-Z 2個字母代表銀行所在的國家/地區 ...

  6. SWIFT codes are used to move money around the world via international bank transfers. For instance, if you want to send money to WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., TAIPEI BRANCH, you would need the SWIFT code PNBPTWTP, plus the recipient's IBAN number.

  7. Wells Fargo Bank, N. A., Taipei Branch. American bank providing wealth management, bank accounts, investment, loans, credit cards, insurance and institutional banking services. Open Monday to Friday 09:00-15:30. At 17F, 44 ZhongShan N. Rd., Sec. 2, ZhongShan District, Taipei 10448.

  8. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. TAIPEI. TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA is a banking office of Wells Fargo Bank, National Association. They are a Full Service Office Location branch and are located at 44 Chung Shan North Road, Section 2, 17f, 11f/A in New Taipei City, Taiwan.

  9. Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Taipei Branch - 1Q 2024. 【格式一】資產負債表. 美商富國銀行台北分行資產負債表. 中華民國 113 年03 月31日及中華民國 112 年12 月31日及中華民國 112 年03 月31日. 單位:新臺幣千元. 說明:本行截至當期為止無備抵呆帳。 【格式二】綜合損益表. 美商富國銀行台北分行綜 合 損 益 表. 中華民國 113 年及112 年1 月1日 3 月31日單位:新臺幣千元. 【格式. C】 資產品質. 逾期放款及逾期帳款. 單位:新臺幣千元,% 說明:

  10. 說明:1、逾期放款係依「銀行資產評估損失準備提列及逾期放款催收款呆帳處理辦法」規定之列報逾期放款金額;信用卡逾期帳款係依 94 年7 月6 日金管銀(四)字第 0944000378 號函所規定之逾期帳款金額。. 2 、逾期放款比率= 逾期放款/ 放款總額;信用卡逾期帳款比率 ...