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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. 上弦; 結束; 環繞; 吊起來 My watch has stopped, I must have forgotten to wind it up. 我的錶停了, 一定是我忘了上發條。
    • 2. 【口】(指人)終於到達某處, 安頓 You will wind up in hospital if you aren't more careful. 要是你不當心點兒, 總要弄到進醫院為止。

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  2. informal. to find yourself in an unexpected and usually unpleasant situation, especially as a result of what you do. (使自己)陷入,捲入,落得. If he keeps doing stuff like that he's going to wind up in prison! 如果他這麼做下去,最終會進監獄的! You don't want to wind up homeless, do you? 你不想最後落得無家可歸,對不對? wind (something) up.

  3. 2024年4月1日 · Wind up”的中文意思是指「得到某種結果」,跟另一個片語動詞 “End up” 的意思相同。 (1) If you keep staring at your cellphone screen in the dark, you might wind up going blind.

  4. 1. 上弦; 結束; 環繞; 吊起來 My watch has stopped, I must have forgotten to wind it up. 我的錶停了, 一定是我忘了上發條。. The speaker will soon wind up his speech. 演說者就要結束他的講話了。. 2. 【口】 (指人)終於到達某處, 安頓 You will wind...

  5. wind (something) up. phrasal verb with wind verb uk / waɪnd / us / waɪnd / wound | wound. to end, or to make an activity end. (使)结束. I think it's about time we wound this meeting up. 我看我们该结束这次会议了。. We need to wind up now, we only have five minutes left. 我们现在得结束了,只剩5分钟的时间了。.

  6. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供wind up的中文意思,wind up用法讲解,wind up的读音,wind up的同义词,wind up的反义词,wind up的例句等英语服务。.

  7. WIND UP的意思解釋及翻譯:to finally be somewhere or do something, especially without having planned it: 。了解更多。

  8. 動詞. [ 編輯] wind up (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 winds up ,現在分詞 winding up ,一般過去時及過去分詞 wound up) ( 字面義 , 及物) 捲起. 反義詞: unwind 、 unspool 、 play out 、 wind down. I wound up the spool of rope. 我把那捲繩子繞起來了。 ( 及物) 給...上 發條. I wound up the clock. 我給鍾上了發條。 Your pocket watch will run for a long time if you wind up the spring all the way. 你給你的懷錶完全扭好發條以後它可以轉好久的。

  9. WIND SOMETHING UP翻译:關閉(企業或機構);使停業, (使自己)陷入,捲入,落得, (使)結束, 惹惱, 惹惱(某人);使(某人)心煩, 欺騙, (為開玩笑而)欺騙,哄騙,戲弄, 故意惹惱, (玩具、手錶等)上發條的。. 了解更多。.

  10. wind [sth] up, wind up [sth] vtr phrasal sep. informal, figurative (end) SC. Simplified Chinese. 终结, 结束. It's time for lunch - I wish they'd wind up this boring meeting! 该吃午饭了,我希望他们能结束这个无聊的会议!. wind up vi phrasal.

  11. wind up. 英式英语: wind-up ADJECTIVE / ˈwaɪndˌʌp /. A wind-up device is a mechanical device with a handle or key that you turn several times before you use it in order to make it work. old-fashioned wind-up gramophone. 美式英语: windup / ˈwaɪndʌp /.

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