2023年11月14日 · The world leader in Golf, Tennis and Badminton equipment. At YONEX, we take the game as seriously as you do. We are a company driven by technology, so we constantly explore new materials, new designs and new ways of improving your game.
The world leader in Golf, Tennis and Badminton equipment. At YONEX, we take the game as seriously as you do. We are a company driven by technology, so we constantly explore new materials, new designs and new ways of improving your game.
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Made By Yonex - Taiwan. Badminton racquets were the start of the Yonex journey into sports. With each racquet developed, our vision became clearer. We learned the fun of crafting world-class racquets alongside the most elite players and now, we strive for innovative racquets that help every athlete achieve new speeds and new heights.
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