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  2. The Atlantic Ocean taks up a lang, S-shapit byne atween the Americaes tae the wast, an Europe an Africae tae the east. As a pairt o the hail Warld Ocean, it is jyned in the north tae the Arctic Ocean (whiles conseedered a sea o the Atlantic), tae the Paceefic Ocean in the soothwast, the Indie Ocean in the sootheast, an the Soothren Ocean in the sooth.

  3. › wiki › PsychologiePsychologie - Wikipedia

    Psychologie haes monie different diveesions or airts o studie an practice. Thir includes behavioral psychologie, cleenical psychologie, cognitive psychologie, developmental psychologie, evolutionarie psychologie, industrial/organizational psychologie, neuropsychologie, psychometrics, social psychologie, an ithers forby.

  4. › wiki › SISI - Wikipedia

    SI. The SI ( French Système internationale d'unités, Internaitional Seestem o Units) is a seestem o meisurin based on the metre for lenth or displacement, kilogram for mass, an saicont for time . The metre, kilogram an saicont can be uised ane wi anither, makkin units o meisurment for ither quantities, sic as vollum, energy, pressur, an ...

  5. › wiki › InvertebrateInvertebrate - Wikipedia

    Invertebrate. Invertebrates is ony animal species that disnae hae nor develop a vertebral column, derived frae the notochord. Exemples o invertebrates incluid the molluscs, sic as seechs an snails, arthropods, consistin o arachnids, crustaceans an insects, an cnidarians lik coral an loch-livers, amang mony mair taxa . Categeries: Invertebrates.

  6. › wiki › PerceptionPerception - Wikipedia

    Perception (frae the Laitin perceptio, percipio) is the organisation, identification, an interpretation o sensory information in order tae represent an unnerstaund the environment. [1] References. ↑ Schacter, Daniel (2011). Psychology. Worth Publishers. Categeries: Experimental psychology. Sensory seestems.

  7. › wiki › HippopotamusHippopotamus - Wikipedia

    The common hippopotamus ( Hippopotamus amphibius ), or hippo, is a lairge, maistly herbivorous mammal in sub-Saharan Africae, an ane o anerly twa extant species in the faimily Hippopotamidae, the ither bein the pygmy hippopotamus ( Choeropsis liberiensis or Hexaprotodon liberiensis ). The name comes frae the auncient Greek for "river horse ...

  8. › wiki › PiperaceaePiperaceae - Wikipedia

    The Piperaceae, an aa known as the pepper faimily, are a lairge faimily o flouerin plants. The group conteens roughly 3,600 currently acceptit species in 13 genera. The vast majority o peppers can be foond within the twa main genera: Piper (2000 species) an Peperomia (1600 species). [2] References. ↑ Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (2009).

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