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  1. 中原大學商業設計學系 ... chung

  2. 中原大學商業設計學系以人文素養課程及數位科技應用課程為基礎,配合設計與行銷課程,培養學生成為具有思考判斷能力之傳達設計、設計行銷人才。


  4. In 1999, the Department began to offer Master Degree Programs, including a Master Degree Program for Working Professionals. In 2019, the Department began to offer Product Design Program . The curriculum comprises of five core areas: design, humanities, technology, marketing and industry.

  5. Chung Yuan Christian University

  6. 虛擬主機中網站不存在,可能是以下原因之一

  1. 其他人也搜尋了